The One After Iknimaya

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Niwan Loreyu was just as beautiful as Xilä remembered.

The moment they stepped through the vined wall she felt the calming waves of that familiar feeling of being hugged lovingly.


Scanning the scenery before her, Xi squinted when she noticed a few new and somewhat out of place items littered around the small area.

"What's-" she started, but Neteyam simply pulled her along until they drew nearer to the far right corner where there sat the base of a massive, thick tree trunk- its branches not visible since it grew out of the hideaway.

"Is that my satchel?" she asked, confused, noting it along with a couple others hanging from the trunk.

Stepping away from him, she surveyed the area properly, lighting up as she did.

Connected to the trunk and the side of a wall of strange vegetation, was a lush canopy of beautiful flowers. A large soft pelt was spread underneath it, creating a romantic and intimate looking bed. Xi even spotted a few stolen blankets from her own bed back home, rolled neatly at the edge of the pelt.

Turning around, she saw a basket filled with a few little pots and washcloths which was placed on a rock by the pool of rippling water.

A small wood crafted folding table sat nearby with two patched cushions as seats- one on either side of the table. And in addition to the glimmers of the bioluminescent plants and the on and off blinking of flying glowbugs, there were tiny lit lamps scattered across the space.

"Neteyam?" she asked, turning to him with a sweet but curious smile.

He scratched his temple sheepishly. "I was um, hoping we could maybe stay a few days? Just the two of us, spending time together? I don't think one night alone with you is enough for me honestly," he admitted quietly. "But only if you want to of course," he added quickly.

She stared at him. He was shy right now and it was honestly the cutest thing ever.

"What about food?" she asked in faux seriousness, enjoying the way he was all squirmy at the moment- a far cry from his usual self assured disposition.

He pointed to one of the hanging satchels. "Enough for hopefully a week," he said. "And we've got drinking water," he continued, gesturing to the small trickling waterfall.

"Bath," he said, walking over to the pool, showing her the soap balms and washcloths. "Bed," he added, jerking his head to the pelt under the canopy.

"And if we get bored, which I highly doubt we will, I packed a few games as well. I even borrowed a deck of UNO from one of the lab guys," he finished with a tiny smile, tail wagging behind him, seeming eager to know what she was thinking.

"Wow," Xi said, impressed. "What about clothes?" she asked, trying to prolong her teasing.

His brows narrowed as if he realized what she was doing, so he turned the tables on her instead. "They're in your satchel, but I don't think you need them since I'm planning on keeping you naked the entire time," he said matter of factually.

"Right," she replied with burning cheeks. "Um, one last question. Did you ah- tell our families? Sal and Jxo aren't going to show up thinking you kidnapped me are they?" she joked.

"No." He laughed and shook his head. "There's a big trip planned for tomorrow, you know the one Lo'ak was boasting about last week?"

She nodded, remembering how excited her friend was about finally getting a vacation.

"They're leaving tonight, maybe after the party- spending a week away near an old RDA base. It's um, kind of a secret tradition to take the new recruits out to bond a bit, but it's really just an excuse for the warrior's to get drunk and let loose for once."

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