Words hurt (Pt1)

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TW SH (this is a longer one, if you wanna cry.)
(Jade is upset because Taylor has been doing a crap ton of concerts, and they have barely spent any time together, Jade knows that they need the money if they want to afford to live in a big house, but Taylor isn't being understanding or considerate)

"Taylor! LISTEN!" Jade let out a throaty yelp. "I just want to see you more!"

"Jade, you selfish bitch!" I said with fire, I didn't know what I was thinking. "You know I have to tour, I, am the best artist in the world. That's something you have to understand."

"Dick" Jade crossed her arms and leaned on the door frame.

"Oh! Really?" I tried to clench my anger but instead I reached for jades arm, "get over it." I hadn't realized how firm my grip was.

"Ow!" Jade tried to pull away from my grasp, "Taylor you Shitty bitch, your the selfish one! Your overacting!"

"Right, because I'm definitely the one who draws Zebra strips on my arms whenever I-" I cut myself off. I was really mad, but how could I say that.
Jades eyes melted and her voice quivered. She yanked on my arm, i was much bigger then her, but she was quick.

"No Jade. Oh fuck me." Jade sprinted up stairs. I heard heavy sobs followed.

I stood in awe. I let my knees hit the floor. "No... Ah fuck You Taylor!"
I heaved myself back up, I walked calmly up the stairs, turning down our hallway her cry's got louder. It took a lot in me not to cry myself. "Jade... you gotta let me in." The door was locked, but I had to reach her.

Seconds later I heard her open her desk draw, as if she was searching for something, "NO! Jade, Jade fuck no Jade open the for please!" My heart was beating faster then it did when I saw her for the first time. I didn't want to make to much noise and overwhelm her keep then I already did but I had to her in there.

"Oh Jade, please you can't, listen, I fucked yo holy shit I fucked up but you can't do this. God please brake up with me before you hurt yourself again." Hot tears started rolling out of my eyes. "Jade! Don't fucking do it."

I nocked on the door over and over, I paused for a moment only to hear jades heavy sobs.
She wasn't going to open the door which meant I would have to, I sprinted the downstairs and ran out in the backyard, the back door to the shed in the yard. I threw open the door and searched the walls for the right kind of screwdriver.

"Fuck Taylor keep it in!" I said, as I began to heavily cry myself. As I found the right screwdriver, I went to grab it, but the nail it was on was jacket and sharp. I grabbed it so quickly that I sliced my hand open I hardly noticed. I ran back to our door.
"Jade, I hope you can hear me, just lease don't shut me out when I come in..."

I started to twist the screw on the door handle. Moments later, the knob fell into my hand, and I swung the door open. I stood there for a second, a mess of myself. Jade looked up at me with horror in her eyes.

I wipe my tears with my sleeve that was also covered in my blood, but I didn't have time to notice that. I walked as calmly as I could over to the bed.

Jade let out a fierce whimper, as if she was trying to hold her breath to make her calm down.
I reached my hand out for her. She looked like a scared fawn lost by the highway. Jade had stopped crying, but when she looked back up at me it all flooded back to her. She could hardly breath.

I sat on the bed, Jade shook her hands and lifted her chin as she tried to catch her breath.
I took her hands and stared to rub her palms, she had one of my goodies on, so naturally, it was too big for her.

She regained her breath, but tried to pull her hands away for me.

"T-tay-Taylor" she could hardly make out my name to her cries. I tried to pull her closer to me but she pushed away, I made it worse.
"Yes, I'm here. Oh Jade baby I'm here." I reached out for her hands again, but she just moved them away. She looked the other direction and her sob got louder.

"N-no! I'm sc-scared!" She yelled. I way he ever try to wrap her arms around her stomach like she does, when she's nervous, but she couldn't.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes tight. This time I managed to grab at one of her hands. "Let me look." I spoke soft.

She tried to pull away, she sounded like a toddler who broke her arm. Hungry tired, scared.
I prepared myself, the worst the streams of tears already floating back. I heard her softly said to herself over and over, "no no no no"

My hoodie was black, so I had no way of telling how bad it was I was so scared, but I couldn't even imagine how she felt. How I made her feel.
I gently rolled up her sleeves, I could feel her flinching beneath me. It was bad. I fucked up so bad. Her arm was covered in blood.

"Tay-Taylor!" Her scream was sharp and painful. Her eyes red and wide.
"No. No Jade, oh no," I let myself cry. Sob even.

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