She dose something different

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As Taylor's Girlfriend, you get to go to all of her concerts, usually go to the first one, but not the rest on a tour. You still go with her everywhere but you don't go to all of the concerts as your job it's pretty demanding, even though it's online.

But this time, you decided to go to the last leg of the reputation tour. You've seen three of the other ones and know the dances pretty well. Taylor also practiced them day and night. So you know what to expect.

She starts off with ready for it as usual. You watched amazed. As if you had forgotten what it was like to be in her presence. Singing with the people around you, made you fall in love with her 10 times more. Everyone loved her but she was all yours.
Or so you thought.

Wanting to surprise her, you didn't tell her that you were coming tonight. As the show went on, you noticed a few things had changed in her routine. Things you didn't really appreciate. She was getting rather Handsy with one of her male dancers.

You honestly brushed it off at first thinking that she was just really happy to be on stage and since it was the last night, she probably wanted to make it extra special, but it started to bother you.

You watched her as she touched him and noticed how it obviously wasn't part of the dance. Through the rest of the night, she didn't just chose him to flirt with. It was practically the whole set. This sent you fumming. You guessed it was probably just for show but you had told Taylor before she even started on tour that you didn't like it when she made things look sexual on stage. And she always respected this. Even when her producers wanted her to do a different dance.

But tonight was different, you started to wonder if she did this at every show you weren't at. And then it worried you that you started to have distrust in her. But how could you not? Is it just a coincidence?

You started to walk towards a security guard after you had enough. Taylor was going way over what you could consider an accident. After she kissed a different dancer's cheek you decided you didn't want to finish the show. You pulled out your ID and showed it to the security guard asking him to take you back stage.

He reluctantly did, he gave you a look that said, don't kill her. You jumped over the fence and followed him back stage, the other guards, having to keep people from following you. He led you under the stage and took you on a cart. You eventually reached Taylor's dressing room.

Do you open the door and stepped in Benjamin greeting you with a sweet meow he started to rub against your leg. You scooped him up and went to go sit on the couch. Meredith and Olivia didn't really like you all that much. You whispered to Benjamin "your mamas going to get it when she comes down here." You kissed his head and he jumped down.

The longer you wait, the more upset you got, no, you couldn't keep an eye on her, but what if she did some thing even worse? Your head was spinning with all sorts of scenarios. He told yourself you were over reacting, but at the same time you didn't feel like you were reacting enough.

It went quiet for a little while, you assumed that the concert finally ended. You knew that she would have to say thank you and congratulate all the dancers in the band so would probably be another 30 minutes.

You were disappointed that you couldn't enjoy. The concert as reputation was your favorite album but now you had more important things to worry about, even though you didn't want to worry about them.  You're distracted yourself by scrolling on Pinterest and looking for new things to add to your house.

It felt like ours had gone by when you finally heard someone talking at the door. Your heart sort of dropped when you realized that you would have to confront her. You tried to pick up Benjamin and hold him in your lap, but he ducked under the table.

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