Chapter: I

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"Ronny, come play!" I hear my sister squeal gleefully. Evelyn was only nine-and-a-half but she had the athleticism and energy of a 12 year old. Her attention span on the other hand was that of a four year old. Already she had moved on from her old toy and was interested in another. Although she could be a handful, I still loved her. My family and I are extremely lucky to have Eve with us. She was born six weeks premature and needed to be airlifted to the St. Thomas Children's Hospital the second my mom arrived to our local hospital.

Luckily after several months under the watchful eye of many doctors and nurses, Evelyn May Jackson was well enough to come home. She has never been one to take handouts either. If she wants to achieve something, she has always tried her best and done it.

I used to be like that. That was until I was diagnosed with ALS. I was only diagnosed three months ago, and already I was achieving less and less each day. I was near being wheelchair bound and I could stand it. Why, of all people, did it have to be me? I was kind to my sister, I tried hard in school and sports, and I helped my parents! I just couldn't understand it. I used to pray for a recovery, but I gave up on God not long after my diagnosis. I decided that no God could just watch a 15 year old boy die of a terrible disease such as mine. After I gave up on god, I gave up on many other things too. I gave up on my friends, teachers, I even gave up on my family! I hated the person I had become, but that was my life. I mean, I was only expected to live another five months or so. what was even the point of living?

"Ronny, lets go play in the forest!" Eve exclaimed in a shrill squeal. The 'forest' was a group of trees that consumed about an acre of land. Mom was fine with us visiting the forest, as long as I accompanied Eve. There were hundreds of paths that Eve and I had wondered the past years, but there were still many more.

"Ok Eve, but only until supper time!" I replied. It was already 5:00 and supper would be ready at 6:00. It usually took us a couple of hours to get board, so we would have to be quick. I took Eve by the hand and led her into the mass of branches and leaves.

"This is so creepy." Eve stated in awe as we wandered the paths. "I want to go back!" she squealed as an owl soared overhead.

"In a bit." I said in an agitated tone. She always did this. She would want to wander, but after a couple minutes she would want to return. It always made me frustrated. We had been following a familiar path. One that we regularly took. I decided that it was time to go back, but when I turned around the path was gone! so was Eve! I did a 180 degree turn and was faced with two identical paths. I chose the one on the right hand side. I was unnerved by the fact that neither path appeared to have been used recently. Although visible, the path was overgrown with weeds and new trees.

I had to find Eve and get back home. I continued down the strange path for what seemed like forever. Finally I had discovered an opening. I ran to the bright circle of sunlight as the tree branches clawed my shirt. The trees were alive! with a final burst of speed I lunged out of the forest.

When I climbed up off of my knees and was relieved to be in our yard. My disease stricken nerves were punishing me for the effort they had to give. I walked to the front door and entered the house. Only, it didn't look like my house. Everything looked as if it were from the 80's. It was supposed to be 96'. I couldn't believe what was going on until I entered our family room. There sat my mother in a rocking chair holding a baby!

"Mom!" I screamed, "Whats going on?" She didn't reply. I ran over to the chair and tugged in my oblivious moms shirt sleeve. Again, no reply. This couldn't be happening! Then suddenly, the last thing that I had predicted to happen did.

"Ronathen, time for your nap." my mother cooed.

I had traveled back in time!

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