I'm proud of you...jk

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***Still on the day off***

"So you and Amelia..." Zona adds after the incident
"Just friends, she has a vibe"
"A vibe...?" Arizona urges me to continue
"A vibe that just makes you like her"
"Uhm, are you hiding something from me? Because, I'm your twin, I feel it, it's a vibe" she says seriously, but still joking around
"M-uh-I-uhm- never mind"
"Y/n Annabelle Robbins, T.E.L.L.M.E, please..."
"I...I uhm told Amelia about my-"

I know Arizona hates talking about my addiction, she hated me for around a bit longer than a year, long story short I ODed and then she forgave me, but one thing she hasn't ever thought about is how I didn't forgive her for treating me like shit when I needed her...It doesn't matter anyway, right?

"You told Amelia about your addiction!" I can see she is not happy about this with her frown
"Arizona, there is people here, don't scream it" I scold, my insides feel like they are dying with the eyes on me, I somehow manage to keep a straight face
"Well, if you go around telling anybody about your addiction I won't matter if I scream it!"
"Arizona, stop thinking of me as the drug addict to cope with our OUR brother's death that is randomly sharing a very personal fact about myself instead think about that I am trusting some with a part of my life, that pretty much nobody except you and mom and dad know, because they are someone i TRUST"

I get up from the table shoving my seat back in place before putting down a 20$ bill to pay for my meal I say before I leave

"Oh, by the way, I got my own apartment and I am moving next week" I say wanting to keep it as a surprise but it just skipped out

I leave a confused and shocked Arizona when I leave

*next week*

I'm moving into my new apartment later in the afternoon , Arizona is still pissed about me telling Amelia about my drug addiction

I get a call from Amelia


A-Hey Y/n/n, can I rant for a good minute *sighs*

Y/n-Go ahead Melia

A-I cannot STAND living with Meredith and Derek, I literally will kill myself if they don't stop having sex at anytime of the day and when Zola asks why they are making so much noise all I can say is "They are playing" and it sounds so dirty to my ears but not to Zozo because SHE'S INNOCENT

Y/n-That's why I am moving out...

A-You're smart I should get my own place!

Y/n-I know, duh

A-Can I move in with you!?

Y/n-Chill girl, I've only known you for a few days? I don't know if you are a murderer yet

A-So that's a yes


Y/n: Yeah, whatever, it's 2 bedrooms anyway

*ends call*

Well, how the fuck did I just sound so calm accepting somebody into my home.
Well shit

lol sorry for the short chapter been tired lately anywayyyyyys hoped you enjoyed
Sorry if some people don't like the gist of it
It's just I go off kinda like that Y/n is a people pleaser

Arizona Robbins Twin / Twin B Where stories live. Discover now