Chapter Two

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    The Sanctum was massive. It was a whole town made of stone bricks, all underground. The ground was also paved with stone bricks and people of all ages roamed around the town. Kaylee led me through the town, making sure I didn't talk to anyone or spend too long in one place. Honestly, it was a lot to take in. Fire monsters, shooting lightning out of my hands, teleportation, and now this secret kingdom under the earth.

"What exactly is this place?" I asked.

"Sanctum. It's been around for a couple hundred years." Kaylee replied. "Prodigies have been coming here for safety for a long time now. Nothing can get in here, not even normal humans. Only a true Prodigy can enter."

"Isn't a Prodigy like, a super smart kid?" I asked, laughing a little.

"Words can mean two things." She replied, calmly. "Our version of the word came first, and over the years, humans gave it their own meaning. A real Prodigy is a person who has unique abilities. Two to be precise. Every Prodigy has two abilities, no more, no less. I can control lightning and I can understand things. The lightning ability is pretty common, but not my other ability, that's extremely rare."

"You understand things?"

"I can watch a person fly a helicopter once and I'll be able to do it whenever I want. I'll just know how. Of course, that ability has limits. I can't watch The Matrix and do crazy kung-Fu. Everything has to be logical and realistic. We're here."

Kaylee put her hand out in front of me to stop me from walking into a small house. She told me to stay put and walked up a small flight of stair to the front door. She knocked on it and stood silently for a few minutes until a man opened the door. He had ruffled, gray hair and a small, scruffy goatee of the same colour. Wrinkles were all over his face and his eyes looked so old, as if they had endured years of hardship of suffering.

"What do you want?" He yelled in a solid British accent. "Can't you see that I'm busy?"

Kaylee sighed. "You were probably watching television."

The man sputtered a little. "Well of course I was on the telly! Doctor Who only comes on once a week you know. I'm not bloody well going to miss that! Now someone better be dead. What is it you require of me?"

Kaylee pointed at me and the old man looked down. He studied my face for a little and I felt as if I was being harassed. I shuffled my feet a little in discomfort but the man kept looking down at me.

"Well boy?" He spat. "Are you going to tell me who you are or are you just going to stand there like an idiot?"

I cleared my throat. "I'm Darrien. Darrien Kendrick.

The man's eyes lit up and his frown disappeared completely, now replaced with a look of joy. He span around in a circle once and cheered a few times before looking at me again.

"Well it's about time!" He said, ecstatically. "Seven hundred years I've waited for you to show up, biggest waste of time, but now you're finally here! Come in, come in."

I was led into the house and Kaylee followed in behind me. The house looked like any other house I had seen. It was small but cozy. A small passageway led to some rooms and a staircase was just off to the right. The man went into the first room on the left and I followed in after him. The room had two sofas and a flat screen TV. There were some shelves and a bookcase but what caught my attention was Breanne. She was stretched out on one of the sofas, watching television. After she had brought Kaylee and me to Sanctum, she had disappeared right away. I guess this was where she had gone straight to.

"Sup guys." She waved. "Wondering when you'd bring hero boy over. Was hoping you'd bring him after Doctor Who was over. Oh well. How you doing Darrien?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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