The King, The Prince and The Shadow

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From Wukong's Point of View

On the sky train, me and the crew were driving away from the bone-clad Lantern City. I was laying out the plan in my head for the last time. We got 3 rings. All I had to do was somehow transfer the ring inside Mei to myself. I have no clue how to do this. I'll think about it when I get there. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Tang's voice.

Tang: Um, so uh, Mr. King, sir, I don't wanna rush you or anything but-

MK: I'm okay with rushing him. What's the plan, Monkey King? We've got all three Rings of Samadhi, so how do we use them to make the LBD go boom? Is there a switch or - The sky train shakes- AAAA

MK fell with the rings. I couldn't deal with him now. 4. Ring... While thinking about it, I was looking at Mei. When I realized that Mei was also looking at me afterwards, I averted my gaze and finally started to speak.

Monkey King: It's a bit more complicated than that. ( He turns towards the window) In order to reforge the Samadhi Fire we'll need to reach the summit of that mountain.

Pigsy: Huh. And, uh, that's where we'll find the fourth ring eh? (Monkey King raises his head) Ain't that right, Monkey King?

How did he know? When and where did he learn? I'm sure no one here knows about the 4th Ring. I wonder... I couldn't do that, could I? How was I going to explain it to them now? But suddenly MK came and saved me the trouble of explaining everything.

MK: Fourth ring? W-what fourth ring?

Tang: Oh, Pigsy, I think you're confused. Monkey King said they split the Fire of Samadhi into three rings. Three rings hidden by the three great warriors, Monkey King, the DBK and-

The train car suddenly shook. MK looked out the window to see what had happened.

MK: Uh, who dat?

Whoever he was, he drove in front of the train. He removed the engine parts so the train had to stop, leaving only a pink ring of fire in the air. Even from that pinkness, I knew immediately that it was Ne Zha. But Ne Zha didn't stop there. He threw two burning wheels at the train. As soon as I realized this, I turned around and said, "Get back!" but I was too late. The rings smashed the train, but I picked up everyone on the train just in time and brought them to the front of the train. Already after my arrival, Ne Zha landed and thankfully he had not forgotten about me.

Ne Zha: Sun Wukong. Finally.

Monkey King: Ne Zha, my old friend. Don't tell me you trekked all the way out here to hang out with lil' ol' me.

Ne Zha: You know exactly why I'm here. (He stabs him into the ground with him stick or whatever.) . I will not let you reforge the Samadhi Fire and doom this world.

This guy would die if he didn't play the hero all at once. But I guess he had a little fan like me.

Tang: (Laughs.) I can't believe it's really you! The legendary Third Lotus Prince, Ne Zha! I must be the luckiest Tang in the world!

Ne Zha: Silence, mortal! (Tang flies to the back of the team.)

Monkey King: How did you find us? (he chuckles) Wait, wait, don't tell me. You took a sneaky peaky at the map while you were supposed to be guarding it? Now who's untrustworthy?

Ne Zha: I didn't have to. I knew the ring I had been tasked to hide was safe in Change's care until you stole it!

Monkey King: Borrowed.

Ne Zha: I had a feeling the Demon Bull King would've kept his instead of hiding it as instructed. No surprises there.

Monkey King: (turning around) Yeah, I think we all saw that one coming.

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