Embrace Your Destiny Part 4 Destiny Fulfilled

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From a 3rd Person Perspective

Mei watches as the distance between MK's fist gets closer but Macaque leaps in and holds off MK.

Macaque: Alright, Mei. I hope this plan works.

Macaque battles MK in the sky but he gets punched by him. When he recovers, he sees MK activating his laser eyes. He uses his shadow clone to protect himself. The clone tries to speak before it disintegrates.

Macaque: Ah! Kid! You have to come to yourself! You can do this! Throw her out! Ah! MK! Come on! You are not her puppet! We believe in you! You have to do! Ah! The world needs you! Your friends need you! Your mentor needs you! I need you! (This is not a ship) Please! Ah!

Mei and LBD talk before Macaque and MK land.

LBD: No matter what you do, you cannot change the path of destiny.

Mei: Will you stop saying "destiny" every minute?! No, so you know we're going to beat you, why do you keep using the word destiny to cover it up? Anyway, I'm not going to talk to you about it. I'll try to remove that staff. How heavy can it be? (She grabs MK's staff but can't pull it out.) Come on! (She tries to pull it from the ground.)

LBD: Oh, sweet girl. Can't you see? MK couldn't beat me. What can you hope to accomplish when he has failed? (In the corner of her eye, Mei sees Macaque has been thrown to the ground in defeat and MK is coming for her.) Cast aside your stubbornness and face your demise with honor.

Mei: You really believe that destiny can't be changed, you wouldn't be using every ounce of power you have to keep him contained! (Up close, LBD is revealed to be breaking under her control). The MK I know will never stop fighting you. And neither will I.

MK leaps at her to deliver the final blow but snaps out of her hold and grabs the staff instead.

MK: Thanks for not giving up on me, Mei.

LBD: No!

MK: Time for the hero stuff. (Together, they lift the staff out. MK tosses off her spiritual hold. Down in the mech, the spiritual avatars disappear.) Ugh! I can still feel her crawling under my skin.

Mei: (She hugs him.) I'm glad you're back.

Macaque: Uh, guys? Now that MK's not under her control.

MK&Mei: Oh, no!

LBD: Predictably unpredictable fools! I'm not one to rush destiny but I won't be undone by a troop of headstrong simians!

Mei: Hey, İ' m not a monkey!

MK: She's talking about the Monkey King, Mei.

Mei: Oh, right.

(She summons her Bone Demon powers, freeing the Little girl in the process. Macaque catches her.

LBD: If Sun Wukong will not give me the Samadhi Fire willingly, then I will rip it from him!

Monkey King screams as the LBD's force unexpectedly comes through him and he loses control. MK and Mei are thrown off the mech.

MK: Monkey King!

İn the mech

Red Son: Go! I'll get through to him! Somehow.

Pigsy grabs Sandy and Tang and they join the fall with the others. They land and watch her activate the Bone mech.

LBD: MK. If you had never found that staff, none of this would have been possible. A delivery boy to the end.

MK walks up to the mech.

Pigsy: Kid- (Macaque stops them.)

LBD: Now watch as I fulfill my destiny and begin this world anew! No Monkey King, no Monkie Kid! Nothing! (She laughs but then gasps as she sees that MK had created his Monkey Mech to block the fire.) No!

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