Embrace Your Destiny Part 3 Time To Be Warriors

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A scene from the past.

Emperor: No, no, no, no. This can't be happening! (He goes outside but it's covered in ice. He turns around and encounters LBD) You. Ivory Lady. What is this madness?

LBD: I've merely done as you instructed. While you were preoccupied with leisurely activities, I attended to business.

Emperor: Business? This is an uprising. (To the Mayor) You, seize this traitor. Now. Huh?

LBD: You'll find your Chief of War takes his directive from me now.

Emperor: You, you've been planning this from the beginning, haven't you? To work your way to the top. To overthrow me. And you, you helped her? Traitors! Deceivers!

LBD: I did not deceive you. When I came into your service, my intent was to aid in perfecting this world. But you and your advisors have shown me how little you care for the interests of mortals.

Emperor: M-ortals?

LBD: I've seen it countless times before your meager existence. I've witnessed cities rise and fall. (In the form of an old man) I've seen the world suffer famine, disease, war, and endless turmoil. An eternity of needless pain. (In the form of an old woman) I thought if I helped someone with real power, guided you to be better, I could make a true difference in the world. (In the form of a young girl) But I now see the only true way to create the perfect world... (İn the form of demon) is to start with a clean slate.

Emperor: No, no, no, no. Please, I-I beg of you. I-I'll make you my chief advisor. Riches beyond your wildest dreams. All you could ever desire. You'll want for nothing!

LBD: (Turn into original form) Ugh, my words are lost on you. So disappointing. Your usefulness has reached its end. (To the Mayor) You know what to do.

Emperor: No! Please, have mercy!

Mayor: Of course, my Lady.

İn the present

From a 3rd Person Perspective

Mayor: All my Lady ever desired was a world no longer plagued by pain, until the Monkey King and his companions got in the way. Fate, however, has gifted her a second chance! With the MK under her control, there's no stopping --

Pigsy: Yeah, yeah, we get it already! If I hear the word "destiny" one more time...

Tang: Pigsy, put the prisoner down!

Mei: Monkey King beat her before. We can do it again.

Red Son: I don't really see how. Now that she has Wukong and the Noodle Boy.

Tang: (He takes Pigsy's hand off the Mayor and instead grabs Mayor's collar and yells.) All right, bozo. You're going to tell us how Sun Wukong stopped the LBD last time or --

Mayor: That information won't help you now. My Lady has corrected the one mistake in her previous plan!

Mei: Oh, right, right, right. And remind me, er, what was that mistake again?

Mayor: The mistake of extending her compassion only to the mortal realm.

Mei: Uh-huh. I see. And where is this "mortal realm"?

Red Son: We're in it, you moron.

Mayor: She hadn't accounted for a celestial being to stand in her way. However, instead of Sun Wukong's swift vengeance, the Great Monk showed my Lady mercy. Until she had come to see the error of her ways, she was to remain imprisoned. Ha, the fools! Now her time has come again. The Samadhi Fire is the one thing strong enough to cleanse not only the mortal plane, but the Celestial Realm and everything beyond even that! [laughs] A fresh start. A clean slate. Just as she had planned. The mech is a weapon to channel the Samadhi Fire. Now that it is in her possession, it's only a matter of time until the final moment arrives.

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