| only himself...

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Sapnap seemed to have relation  hit him at that moment and began to cry.

"Bugs.. what's wrong" I said instly  seeing him in tears.

"Just remabered something.." sapnap muttered, "not about the advent were here for but.. about what I just said"

"Wanna chat with us about it.. it seems to upset you honey" punz said, all of us stopping instenly, giving sapnap undevied attention.

He cuddled into Quackity, "that wasn't the frist time he advanced on me.. tho the frist time he played it off as a joke"

"Repete offender?" Quackity  said intently.

"A joke? You're kidding me right" Dream said clearly ferious.. we all wore angered.

"It wasn't assult or anything - it was kisses and him saying he loved me... I thought nothing of it at the time.. I mean we sometimes kissed the others cheek and said we loved  the other" sapnap said, "tho.. I made it clear ir wasn't romantic.. more sibling"

"So you bring this up..?" Fundy said, now confused. "Why exactly"

"He was blushing..." sapnap muttered. "I just didn't think anything of it .. and the fact Randell chased me down to this room..."

"It was planned..." all of his lovers Saif in unicenen.

"He herd punzs voice and backed off swaring it was all a joke.." sapnap said.. "so wore guys..?"

"You mean the time I herd nosies so came in and saw george pinning you pretty much and was jealous af?" Punz asked rasing a brow.

"Yeah.. that's when this happend he stoped when he herd you.." sapnap said, "my question  is .. senice litterly the next day was when you asked me to join... wore you guys fudeing?"

"Yes.. we wore - he over herd us planning to pull you in the day punz must've walked in and got jealous. He then went off to randell" Quackity  said, "we of crouse asked him.. and  he was what he was to us.. blah blah.. we decided  one of us would be around u that day incase."

Sapnap blushed, "Awe that's so sweet"

"You know what else is?" Dream said, "you moaning for me and punz"

Sapnap turned more red, "horny bastred"

"Oh come on. What youe xpect of couse they'd happily remind you they fucked u" fundy luaghed, "expiclly with this convo"

Quackity  played with sapnaps hair, "but still I can't belive it"

"The whole time Randell was after me... it was george.. because george loved it when I was upset because he could hold and comfort.." sapnap said, clearly felling violated, once  more.

Now, that pissed us all off. But quackity kissed him softly.

"Youre ex friend was a deranged pyschopath" Quackity  said.

"Yeah he plotted everything.. he just was trying to give you a sense of safety so he could get you to confess and have you" I say, "that's pyschpathic"

Sapnap sighed, "well I guess it's lucky it broke up now.. because I have a feeling if he made it to my wedding he'd ruin it out of spite"

"He wanted you happy. Just not with anyone but himself.." fundy snarled.

"I sappose so" sapnap muttered.

We all walked over and got into a group cuddle.

𝘔𝘺 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 [2] - Sapnap Harem Where stories live. Discover now