Werewolf meets Vampire

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~Ethan's POV~
After school, Sarah, Benny, Rory, and Erika came over my house so we could talk. I did some research on the 7th cycle and it seems pretty legit. It lined up with everything Skylar said and I don't think she's lying, so I have to warn the vampires and we have to have a plan. The lunar eclipse is only a week away, so we better come up with a plan before Skylar tears them to shreds.
"We got a lot of information from the new girl, Skylar, and it's pretty scary information too." I said.
"So what's her deal with vampires?" Sarah asked.
"I was right, she was that werewolf that was chasing us. She's a purebred here to protect us humans from vampires." I said.
"Did you tell her we would never hurt you guys?" Sarah said.
"Yes, but that's part of the reason why she's here." Benny said.
"This lunar eclipse is the 7th cycle of the vampires. It's like your time for power. Your going to lose control of yourselves and turn everyone in your path. It happens every 100 years and that's why she was called here." I said.
"So wait, your telling me she's gonna be prowling around the town making sure none of us feeds! She's gonna get it!" Erika said.
"Just calm down. We have to worry about this lunar eclipse. How are we going to hold back three vampires from there call to kill?" I said.
"This is going to be a problem." Sarah said.
"Your telling us." Benny said.
"Well, I'm thinking since she has the most experience with this kind of thing, just maybe we could get together and talk to her." I said.
"A purebred werewolf! I wanna see her!" Rory said.
"It's nice that you wanna see her Rory, but I don't think she's gonna be that enthusiastic to see you." I said.
Just then we heard a howl outside. She was already out protecting the area.
"Since she's out now, how about we go find her?" Benny said.
"You know how dangerous that is gonna be for the vampires, right?" I said.
"That's the thing, how about we just go and find her and bring her back here without her knowing that she's gonna talk to the vamps?" Benny said.
"Good plan. Let's go." I said.
We went and walked around the neighborhood. We finally found her on 5th street. It was really terrifying to see her in that form. When she saw us, she just casually walked up to us.
"Hi-hi Skylar." I said as she towered over us.
She let out a little growl in return.
"Do you mind coming back to my house with us so we can talk some more on what to do?" I asked.
She nodded and began to follow us.
We walked her all the way go our house but before we could get up to my door step, she stopped and started to growl.
"What is it?" Benny said.
She howled. She smelt vampire.
"If it's the vampire smell, it's just the smell Sarah left behind. She hangs out here a lot. It's safe, just come in the house. Please."I said.
She snarled and nodded. She backed up a little and got on her hind legs. Brown fur started to fly around her and her human figure started go form. Once she was back to normal, she came up to us.
"God that smell is strong. Almost smells like she's here." She said rubbing her nose.
"Haha probably just because she's here a lot." I said rubbing my neck.
We walked her inside and up stairs.
"Now Skylar, no matter what, you can't flip out ok?" I said.
"I'm not promising you anything." She said.
We slowly opened the door and she walked in. She saw all three vampires around her and started to growl.
"You lied!" She said snarling.
"They're filthy blood suckers! Can't you see that!" She yelled.
She tried to storm out before getting to angry, but Rory got the door.
"So now your tying to trap me in here with them, huh? Well that's not gonna end up well for anyone in this room or the room itself." She said.
"We just wanna talk. Calm down." Sarah said.
"Not with you around! I bet your just trying to get my calm so you can ambush me later so no one will be here to protect all of the humans from the 7th cycle!" She yelled.
"I've got this." Benny said, using his spell to put her to sleep.
"So what are we gonna do with her now?"

Authors Note|
I just wanted to thank everyone for reading my story! I know I'm late because the show ended so long ago, but I was catching up on it on Netflix and I just had to add to it! Hope your enjoying it!

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