II- Twelve years ago

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Twelve years ago,

'Arele, goodbye my child, forgive me for all the mistakes I have made, but I must go.
Dad…No please...don't go...don't leave us.  Mommy needs you... Please... I need you.
No, sorry, I never wanted it to happen like this but I can't stay... Watch over your mother and don't forget that I love you, my daughter! '

"It was the last sentence he uttered before leaving. And I never saw him again. Even if I had the opportunity, I didn't intend it.
I hate him, I hate him for being so coward, for abandoning us when in such a crucial time. I would never forgive him for that.

I was coming home from school when my father had been notified of my mother's accident. He was in a trance. Our neighbors came as quickly as possible and helped us. I didn't know what really happened, I just had to stay with my friends with their governess for a few days, which turned into a few weeks, then a month. It's not that I didn't enjoy being with them, I was also worried.

And one tuesday, my father came; he first had some nasty conversations with the Randers, from their expression. Then he approached me, looking at me so intensely that I could only run into his arms. I missed him. We stayed like that for a few minutes and then he took me away from him with these words. Surprised, I stared at him in disbelief.

The truth hit my mind when I saw two large suitcases at his feet. So I understood. No, I didn't want to understand. I started crying, shaking my head. I wanted to run, to leave from there, far from this monster who dared to abandon me like this. However, I stood there lost, sobbing in front of this man who no longer wants me. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. I snuggled into his chest still crying.

I wanted to take advantage one last time of this familiar smell which reassured me when I was afraid, which encouraged me when I did not feel up to it. I would have gone so hard against my father by painfully articulating my desolation in the hope that he would reconsider his decision. However, all hope could only be in vain. He pushed me away from him, got up and headed for the door, throwing one last apologetic look at his surroundings, then staring at me for the last time.

"Watch over your mother, don't forget that I love you, my daughter."

The door closed behind him, a sign that he had just disappeared from my life. At that moment, my little world collapsed and me with it. My father cowardly decided to abandon my mother and me. That was my last thought. And I passed out.

Later when I came to myself, I saw all my friends around me. They all looked at me concerned. Even their parents were there.  I smiled neither of joy nor of sadness, I smiled in the void.

'How do you feel, honey, we were so scared of you!'  asked the mother.

I just nodded affirmatively. They did not seem convinced but did not say a word.  Michel, whom I hadn't noticed until then, approached me with an ice cream in his hand. 

'Here, it's for you. Your favorite perfume, he said,' fixing me with his benevolent eyes.

I was smiling at the sight of the treats. This time, I wore a genuine smile that had the power to ease the worry evident on the faces of the adults.

'Thank you, I adore you, I replied,' taking the precious one from his hands.

For sure, I love ice cream, especially strawberry flavor. 

'Aren't you eating?' I asked Sophie and Iris in return, seeing that they were just looking at me.

'No, we agreed that you'll be the only one who's going to eat it,' answered Iris proudly.

'Me anyway, I don't like it,' said Sophie annoyed, 'but I'm not going to just look at you, don't worry,' she added, taking a bag of crisps out of her pocket.

'But... you're cheating,' Iris suddenly yelled, 'you didn't even buy me, give me some !'

'No…' Sophia screamed in turn, getting up just as fast, and off they went for a game of 'Catch me if you can.'

This had an effect on everyone who had left for a giggle. The day still ended nicely. The beginning of my ordeal."

In My Deep Memory ( IN REWRITE )Where stories live. Discover now