XVIII- Intricate Connections

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From 1993 to 1998, in the 14th promotion, Jacob Kennedy, Moebi Hartland, Luc Dark Obby, Ulrich Rander, and Emily Clay were UC Berkeley students. Luc, Ulrich, and Emily studied Chemistry, while Moebi and Jacob focused on Social Sciences. Moebi and Emily shared a dorm, evolving from mere acquaintances to inseparable friends. Moebi and Jacob had been childhood friends, growing up together and attending school and college as a duo.

Despite their seemingly destined connection, Moebi married Luc Dark Obby, who moved from England to the USA at 16. Luc, awarded a scholarship at UC Berkeley, became close friends with Ulrich Randers, the father of Michel Randers, and Emily Clay, now a chemist working in a conservation laboratory in East Africa. The saying goes, "Friends of your friends will be my friends," and Moebi quickly formed strong bonds with Emily's friends, creating an inseparable group.

They often collaborated on university projects. After graduation, their paths diverged for some, but for others, the story continued.

"Damn! They're so complicated!"

Axel exclaimed from his seat, a mix of delight, excitement, perplexity, and boredom. The truth before his eyes dispelled doubts. The woman his father mentioned was Arele's mother. What irony! Axel sneered in contempt. Both he and his father were fixated on the same people: the mother and the daughter. The difference was that Axel never liked Arele as a child, while his father was his mother's childhood friend.

It seems he loved her, a childhood love that endured over time. Unable to have her because she did not choose him, his love turned into obsession. He sought revenge, determined that if she couldn't be his, she wouldn't belong to anyone. Yet, she was no ordinary person-beauty, intelligence, power, and influence all embodied in her. One wrong move, and it would be the end of him. He could not act impulsively; thus, he devised a machiavellian plan, a masterstroke that clearly succeeded.

Everything clicked in the young man's mind.

The April 15, 2007 accident: Victim - Moebi Hartland. Cause - drunk driver, found dead after an explosion. Their collision alone wouldn't have caused such a tragic accident. The rear brake of the car had been tampered with, leading to loss of control. The other driver had only exceeded the speed limit, and when they brushed against each other, the young mother had to swerve right, and the vehicles tumbled.

"I knew it, I knew it!" exclaimed Axel. "I've got you!"

He was also certain the explosion was deliberate. He knew these excessive means of erasing evidence all too well. Strangely, it saddened him. He couldn't explain the pang in his heart. Why? Now he understood. His father had never loved anyone but himself. Obtaining the Heartland company was merely a trophy. In all of this, he was the most foolish.

How could he be so blind? His ego blinded him to who the real enemy was. These people were innocent, but indirectly, he supported his father in killing them. And that little girl who often appeared in his dreams, the woman who obsessed him, lost everything due to their selfishness.

"You set them up, don't you?" his father would say.

No, he did not love her; he could not. If this obsession was what his father called love, then he was wrong. You could not harm someone you truly loved; it's impossible. If loving means hurting, it's better never to be in love.

"And damn it! Since when did I become a philosopher?" he grumbled again, pushing the files in front of him.

At that moment, one of his men entered and said,

"Boss, someone is looking for you downstairs..."


"They were so cute! Tiny but incredibly adorable! They cried while demanding their mother's breast. Fortunately, the nurse knew how to calm them with a bottle. Poor little ones! Why won't you wake up, Arele? If you could see how precious your children are, you wouldn't want to stay in this bed."

"Do you want to hold them?" she asked me.

I hesitated, having never held a newborn in my life, let alone two. But she helped me, giving recommendations on how to take care of them. After all, I am their godmother, while we wait for Arele to wake from her coma. I will never forget the feeling when I held them for the first time; when their metallic gray and blue eyes met mine. It was magical !"


"I didn't know what to think. I was torn between entering the room and fleeing. I didn't want to incur the wrath of my colleague. With a heavy heart, I moved forward, dragging my feet as the sight ahead made me nauseous. I wouldn't forget that image anytime soon. Fatim held the twins in her arms, embracing them like a mother would. It was evident that she was enchanted by them.

I couldn't describe what I felt at that moment-all my apprehension had vanished, replaced by a sense of peace. I wouldn't say joy, as I was too confused for that, but peace. Seeing them like that had calmed my inner turmoil. Besides my astonishment, I would have captured this moment as a beautiful snapshot. I wouldn't worry about it anymore. I didn't know exactly why, but at that moment, my heart decided that I would protect the people in that room at the expense of my life!"


The birth of Ali and Harry was a moment of joy, relief, anxiety, hope, but above all, renewal. Fatim and Michel agreed on the names for the twins and registered their birth in their mother's name, but themselves as legal guardians. The little ones spent their first months in incubators, which suited them well as they adapted to their new surroundings. Fatim also moved in with Michel to ease their responsibilities. During this time, they often visited Arele, updating her on her children.

When the twins were finally allowed to come home, it was a whole different chaos. They had never imagined that caring for two children would be so challenging-sleepless nights, exhausting days, and cries throughout. Nevertheless, they weren't discouraged. They discovered they had a lot in common, becoming close friends, but nothing more. Fatim might have hoped for more, but she was mistaken. Michel was often lost in his own thoughts and work. Meanwhile, Arele's kidnapper remained unknown, though the trail seemed clear. The missing piece of the puzzle was still out of their reach.

A year passed, and Arele showed no signs of waking from her coma. The children had grown a bit, becoming less demanding.


"Madam, here is a letter from your mother."

Fatim scrutinized her mother's letter attentively.

"What could be so urgent!" she thought.

She opened the letter, and what she read shocked her. Finally, all these expectations bore fruit. She decided to take action at last. She knew that only one person could answer these questions, and that person was by far the last person she would have wanted to see again. Nevertheless, she had no choice; she had to be cautious, vigilant like a serpent, yet innocent as a dove.

She should not talk about it to anyone, not even Michel; he's too sensitive. She knew it was madness, but it had to be done, walking into the lion's den.

"Boss, someone is looking for you!"

She waited for what felt like an eternity in the waiting room. Finally, a man approached her and signaled her to follow. Although she didn't show it, this place gave her the creeps. It exuded crime and violence, something she despised. Standing in front of the door to the so-called boss's office, she sighed and took a deep breath to muster courage.

"Come in," she heard, a cold and authoritative voice.

She hesitated again but was pushed by the man from earlier, who closed the door behind her.

"Speak," he said without looking up from his documents.

"Well, hello Axel Kennedy..."


Chapter bonus
Welcome Ally and Harry♥╣[-_-]╠♥
Michel finally admitted his wrong💥

°What will Fathim says to Michel?
°Will it definitely change their perspective to each other?
°And you what do you expect Michel to do?

See you on comment (◠‿◕)

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