VIII - Unexpected Encounter

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The young girl, thinking back to the past ten years, wondered what the future would hold for her. All along, on this same beach where she used to go now, to reflect on her life. Even today, she managed to become the person she chose to be. After graduating from high school at the age of sixteen, Arele received for the first time, in a long time, a letter from her aunt. She resigned herself to reading it, but did so anyway.

What she read no longer catched her. Precisely, the letter contained only phony excuses, a congratulation for her success and the indication on her higher studies. She did not believe that these people could even dictate where she would study. However, something caught her attention.

Despite her aversion for her father, she was determined to pursue a scientific study, specifically, in AI. It must be said that our childhood greatly influences our choice. And to her surprise, her aunt assigned her to Shanghai Jiao-tong University. Of course, on the other side of the world.

Although she would have liked to go to Berkeley like in her mother's time, she knew that going there would be like returning to the city of her childhood. And she was not ready. She was thinking of thanking her and asking about Miguel, but did not. After all, it is not her problem anymore. This is how she left the boarding school, her home and the US for real, to go to a culture totally different from her own.

The hardest was the separation, because Fathim had become more than a friend. You have to believe that life is made of separation. Nevertheless, they always stayed in touch. The first university year were hardly restful. Arele was often overwhelmed, in addition to studies; language, culture, everything should be learned and lived.

Studies did not bother her, however, she had to make a great effort to accept even the companionship. Always being the best student, the others began to leave her alone when it was not about the studies. Recently, it was the master graduation. Instead of celebrating with friends, the young girl, true to her habits, walked on this deserted beach and meditated.

She is Arele Dark Obby.


"Now you know what to do, son, I prepared you for this a long time ago."

"Fine, father, I'll take care of it !"

"Don't disappoint me this time, there is no way for error. Leave now."


As night fell, Arele finally decided to return to the hostel. She lived in an apartment near the university but often went to the Jinshan neighborhoods to enjoy the fresh sea breeze whenever she was free from obligations. Walking quietly down the street, she gazed at the city lights. Her thoughts sometimes drifted to her past, her childhood friends and her cousin. She wondered what had become of them. Although she did not show it, she missed them. If only...

The young girl drove away her last thoughts. She must no longer live in the past, she must forget them in order to move forward. Still lost in her dreams, she did not notice the person in front of her, and was jostling him.

"对不起 (duì bù qǐ)" she apologized without bothering to look at the person she bumped into.

"Arele, is that you?" asked the stranger, in a perfect english.

Surprised, she planted her eyes in those of the young man. No one knew her in this town. And he was a foreigner.

"Sorry, but I don't think we know each other."

"It's me, Michel," he exclaimed.

"Mi.. Michel?"

The information was slow to arrive in her brain. After so many years, she stumbled across a stranger who, after all, was not. She did not know what to say, she was so amazed. Seeing that she was in a daze, he discreetly took her to sit on a bench nearby. Michel had trouble hiding his excitement.

"Arele, I can't believe it! After all these years," he exclaimed.

Struck by the man's enthusiasm, she realized his real presence and allowed herself to stare at him scrupulously, which had the effect of embarrassing him.

"Oh! Well, you've grown up," was the first sentence she said.

"Yes, I have," he answered, "and you then, I almost didn't recognize you."

She let out a weak smile, before saying.

"I really thought that you don't remember me anymore..."

"Absolutely not, look, how could I forget you?"

"If you say so ! Well, it's getting late, now, I have to go, maybe next time, if we meet again," she concluded, getting up, ready to go.

"Wait, don't leave right away, we barely met each other again," he stopped her.

She turned to him and gave him a dismissive look. He had never seen her like this before. This was not the Arele he knew. His gaze was cold and devoid of feeling; at a glance he knew it, but above all why?

"Why? Why did he just appear like that? After all these years? Michel, and to think I was thinking about them for just a few minutes. Damn it!"

Blood boiling with rage, Arele hurriedly left. Never, ever, had she felt so much hatred; she does not know exactly why but at the sight of him, she felt strongly, the feeling of having been abandoned. His gaze full of joy and that touching air that he had always had on him until today repelled her.

He did not changed at all: this mixture of compassion, sadness, excitement could only end up being pity. And she hates being pitied.

"Aargh! I'm not a weakling, I didn't need the past to come back to face my present. I'm better off this way !" she was irritated.

She lamented her situation for a few moments before deciding not to dwell on it, as exhaustion took over and she eventually fell asleep.


Michel kept dwelling on their brief encounter. He had to admit that Arele had changed immensely, not only in personality but also physically. Despite her cold facade and discouraging demeanor, she was still a beautiful girl, even very beautiful.

Her long black hair reaching down to her waist, her slender figure, her icy metallic blue eyes. He could not help but compare the little girl she once was to this young woman he had crossed paths with. It had been such a long time, he never thought he would see her again one day, right in the middle of the streets of Minhang, in the vastness of Shanghai, at a rather late hour.

It was strange. That look, or rather her gaze, spoke of loneliness and suffering, but above all, it exuded hatred. Had all those years nurtured such bitterness in her? Did she hold such grudges against them? Why? All these questions rushed through his mind without answers.

Finally, he decided that he would find her and talk to her. He longed to see that sparkle in her eyes again, the same twinkle that had melted his shy little heart once upon a time.

"I will bring you back, Arele, I promise," he vowed.


(1): Chinese mandarin that means "Sorry !" ( 对不起 )

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