Married Couple

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The next day, New woke up early pretty early. He looked beside to find his husband fast asleep and covered by blanket. He chuckled at his husband's cute face and kissed Tay on his forehead. New then got out of the bed and took shower as he got dressed Tay woke up. Tay tried to get out of the bed, but he fell down as he couldn't feel his legs. New came running into the room and carried his 'disabled' husband into the bathroom to get him cleaned up. While in the bathroom New noticed a lot of hickeys on his husband's body, he couldn't believe that he had done this. Tay on other had was wondering how to get rid of all this marks but deep down he did like to have these marks. Soon they both got ready, and Tay was feeling much better as he had taken medicine and was able to walk even though the pain is still there. They went downstairs for their breakfast.

Roy and Preeda were already having their breakfast when Tay and New entered the dining room. "Good morning, Por and Mae', the couple greeted them.

"Good morning, children", Preeda greeted them with a bright smile. "Come have breakfast", she called them. The couple sat down in their respective chairs and started eating. "Tay dear are you fine, you don't look too well", Preeda asked with concern. Tay looked down with a blush while New tried to hide his smirk. Roy noticed them.

"Looks like they had a rough night", Roy said with a straight face. Tay's blushed increased even more and New started to blush to. Roy and Preeda looked at the newly married and laughed out.

"Kids it's time to enjoy anyway.  So, enjoy to the fullest", Preeda said after some time. Rest of the breakfast session went by quietly as the couple were too shy to say anything. After breakfast both of the got ready and were off to work.

Tay had found a new job in another company and has been working there for few days in the department of production and manufacture. Tay was surprised to be able to get a job so soon after he left the previous one, however he is suspecting that his husband may have done something. Tay just let it go as it was a topic for another time. Now Tay is on his way to his company Prachaya.Co. He liked the company so far as the people have been civil with him till now. Tay entered his company with a big bright smile, that can make any depressing situation more bearable or even merrier. He went to his department and started to do his work on the given deadlines. Soon he was joined by few other coworkers who greeted him with a smile.

 "Phi Tay, you seem to be quite early today. did you not have any sleep or something, you look quite tired", Ohm, a intern, asked.

"Nothing to worry about Ohm, just had a gathering with friends and slept late", Tay said.

"Oh I see, for a second I thought you had quite a rough night with your man", Ohm commented and left quickly before Tay could hit him for talking such things to his senior. Tay just shook his head and went back to work.

Tay started his work pretty well. He had nothing much to do today and can finish his work early and return home soon. He shared his office space with five others including Ohm, the intern. There was their leader Namtan Tipnaree, the only female in their group. Then there were Drake and First who have joined the company two years ago. Finally, there was the oldest not only by age but also number of years spent in the company, Off Jumpol. Tay so far liked his group everyone were kind and welcoming. He however got to know soon that except for him all others were not yet married, so he never told them about his marriage. The group was like another family to him, He had the most chaotic boss ever with her chaotic nong's. Off was like the mother hen of the group, who seemed to be the leader than Namtan, however once you get to know the group Namtan seems to be the right leader. The nong's were no older than twenty five years and are always full of energy. This team is something Tay will never forget in his life. 

(Tay's office)

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(Tay's office)

Tay soon finished his work and got ready to leave. "Leaving already", Namtan asked. 

Tay smiled and replied "Yes Namtan my work is done so I'm leaving".

"You seem, to be in a rush today", Namtan said.

"It's nothing Namtan, I'm meeting my sister today", Tay lied. Nam tan smiled and waved her hand. Tay left.

New however was going through a very hectic day. He had a lot of proposals to go through, he even had to attend five meetings and go to few construction sites regarding few developments. To say quite hectic is an understatement. New was able to deal with it as always since it is something that had come in the package of CEO. It was five in the evening when he received a call from his lover. He smiled and picked up the call.

"New, what you doing now", Tay asked.

"The same usual hectic day work baby", New replied.

"Hmm.... want me to come over", Tay asked.

"Not needed darling. Where are you now", New asked, standing up from his chair to walk around.

"I'm home baby. I had less work at the company today and was able to leave. do you want anything special for dinner", Tay asked.

"You Tay", New said jokingly.

"New I'm serious. I'll cook for you what do you want", Tay asked.

"If that's the case then I would like basil with pork and fried eggs", New requested.

"Ok then baby it will be ready when you come home. By the way when will you come home", Tay said.

"I don't know for sure Te, I'll probably reach by nine", New replied.

"Ok then New, bye bye, meet you at home", Tay said.

"Bye love", New replied and cut the call. He sighed and started his ignored work.

New finished his work around ten in the night. He stretched limbs and looked at the time, realizing it was this late he rushed out of his office to find his secretory still working. He slowly walked up to Krist and said "You still working".

"Yes boss, but unlike you, I had my dinner took some rest every hour and now I still have energy to work till twelve unlike you who looks like a dead man", Krist replied  looking at his boss.

New scratched his hair and said " Ok then my most outstanding secretory I'll take my leave". New left. He reached home quickly since the traffic was less and went inside to find his husband sleeping on the couch. he went closer to the sleeping figure and kissed him on his forehead making the other man to wake up. "Baby I'm back home", New replied.

"You are here", Tay said as he got up from his sleep to sit on the couch. " Why don't you fresh up and come down I'll be waiting for you in the dining room", Tay said as he pecked on New's lips. New smiled and went to freshen up. Tay went to the dining room and started arranging the dishes. New came back after cleaning himself. Tay was patiently waiting for him.

"Have you had dinner yet Baby", New asked.

"Not yet wanted to have dinner with you", Tay replied while serving the dishes.

"So, baby how was your day", New asked. Tay started to explain about all the adventures he faced. It were the days like this which made them feel happy and content.

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