Chapter fifthteen

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Missing her
Lorenzo's POV

Taking Victoria back was surely one of the bad decisions I've ever took in my entire life of existence.

The guys have started being distant with each other. Peter has spent most days at the park with the twins , Brandon and Hunter are either at the club or somewhere causing trouble , Dennis has spent more time at his parents house then Nick has locked himself in his office and never gets out unless he needs to use the bathroom.

I was currently going through my emails when I heard Nick shout.

"If I don't get my coffee soon someone is going to die!" He yelled from his office.

I turn my gaze to Hunter and Dennis who had just arrived from the warehouse.

"I'll go make it for him." Hunter exhaustingly signs

"Is this how things will be like from now?" Dennis asked as he took the seat next to mine.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Before Victoria came we were distant to each other but not like this. We don't eat at the table together , we don't go on missions together , we don't chill or play video games together. It's like we complete strangers to each other. I mean I get that everyone misses her , I even miss her , but at this point we're only hurting ourselves."

I take a deep breath as I process everything that Dennis said. I give me a reassuring smile and a pat on his back before heading out.

"Things will be okay. Just give it time"

Victoria's POV

"What are you doing?" Jake asks as he lays next to me.

"Just reading a book. Why are you here?" I ask.

"Is it a crime to come see my best friend" he smirks.

I sit up straight and give him my most pointed look. Jake just stares at me blankly before signing.

"You said you know the Italian mafia right?" He asks. I give him a questioning look and nod. "And you miss him and his crew is that right?"

"Where are you going with this?"

"Let's go to Italy." He says

I stare blankly at him before bursting out laughing. He can't surely be serious. Can he?

"We're not going to Italy Jacob."

"Vee come on" he whines. "This is our dream. Think how great it will be." He pouts.

"We don't have the money to go to Italy , and two I don't know their house in Italy I know the one at Miami , three I just got back from being kidnapped , four there's a group of hungry men that are after me and five we can't leave without telling our parents , I don't think they'll even let us go." I say.

"Then let's not tell them." He says

"You're joking right?"

"I'll protect you throughout our trip there , I have gun and I know how to use it. I know how to fight and should I remind you that I have a big consisting of 50 million dollars inside so we can even get a private jet. Lastly we will tell the parents when we get there. I mean it could be worse. So are you in?." He pouts

"This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you've ever had. Of course I'm in." I grin.

"And this is why I love you" Jake jumps giving me a hug. "Leave everything behind. We'll buy more when we get to Italy."

"What do you suppose we going to do when we get to Italy because like I said , I've never been to their house that's in Italy?"

"You'll contact Lo to come fetch us." He smirks

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