At 11 P.M

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Phil's P.O.V
Why didn't he just tell me what was going on?The ambulance arrives rather quickly.I quickly guide them to where Dan is collapsed on the floor sitting in a pool of his own blood.They take him into the ambulance luckily I'm allowed to ride with Dan.Because there was no way they would make me leave.Dan seems to be waking up a bit.I cup his face with my hands and peck his cheeks.He smiles and closes his eyes once more.
Time Lapse 5 hours time is 11 P.M
Phil's P.O.V
I hope he lives.I'm sitting in Dan's room with him.He woke up an hour ago but hasn't spoken to me once.Is he ashamed?Or is he jut avoiding me in general? I stand up and walk towards his bed.He just didn't know I was here.He turns his head in shock and smiles when he sees me.My heart melts.
Dan's P.O.V
He really does love me.He stayed here for who knows how long.At first I didn't notice he was here. But then he got up and walked towards my bed.He smiles.My heart melts.L-Lion?
Phil's P.O.V
I smile as he finally speaks.Yes Bear?I get nervous as I wait for his response.
Dan's P.O.V
I smile.What happened?
Phil's P.O.V
Why did you ask?That's when I feel it.The tears rolling down my face as I relive the terrible memories from just earlier.He seems to notice because he cups my face and brings me In for a soft kiss.I don't expect much especially since he lost so much blood.We sperate and he scoots over on his bed.Enough room for me to slip in and lie with him.I cuddle up by him,his head on my chest.I feel his breathing steady and I realise that he is falling asleep.He's adorable when he's asleep. I love you my sweet baby bear. I whisper into his ear and kiss his head softly. And then I too start slipping off to a quiet slumber.
Dan's P.O.V
As soon as I ask what happened he started crying. Oh no.I cup his face in my hands and with all the force I have left I kiss him.He seems to calm down a bit. I scoot over enought for Phil to be able to lie down with me.He then climbs into the bed and I lay my head on his chest.In the perfect spot.Right where his heart is.I can hear it,it's like a lullaby. With the presence of Phil and the sound of his now steady heart beat,I slowly start drifting off.But I catch his last words.I love you my sweet baby bear.I smile but I don't have enough energy to say it back so instead I nuzzle myself into him more.Now his arm is around my hips.I fall asleep after that.
Phil's P.O.V
Don't worry bear I know what you mean.You may not have enough energy to say it back but I know you feel the same.

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