|Walters day of change|

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Editors note;

'At the time I'm writing this we don't have many information about the Qsmp Workers, Cucurcho and the Federation but this is how I see it.
Also, English is not my first language but I hope that doesn't ruin anything, enjoy the story!<3'


Walter's special day

Walter was just a normal worker at The Federation, his job was being a builder but one day something occured that changed things. Cucurcho called in all the builders and asked for a volunteer at helping observe closer a player named "Quackity". They needed information about him and what he's doing because in the past he killed one of the workers. He did have a deal with the Federation but they still wanted to keep an eye on him. So Walter Bob offered, cause he was bored of the job and wanted to be around the inhabitants of the island more.

Walter went on the journey to confront Quackity and the day they met was the day Quackity wanted to spend some quality time with Tallulah. At the moment when Walter approached him, the mision started. He didn't stop to follow the player constantly going after him which led Quackity to get anxious cause he didn't know what all of this was about. After taking care of Tallulah, Quackity started a project to kill the eggs where he asked Walter to help him with it. Whilst they built, they chatted a bit and then something happened that completely changed Walters point of view. Quackity named him, first it was only Mr. Walter (came from the name of Quackities Vacuum cleaner) but then because of his appearance like Bob the builder, he got named: "Walter Bob".

After that he felt better, not just like some random worker out of hundreds, but himself.

Getting back to the Federation

After Walter Bob felt like he was finally alive inside, it was time to get back to his workplace, even though he didn't want to anymore. As soon as he arrived, he didn't look at anyone the same, he didn't fit in, at least that's what he thought. He approached Cucurcho, who took him to one of the offices, Walter told him about the observation and what he found out. All about the plan of killing the eggs and how it all went, but in one moment he asked if he could say how it was for him, being out there, interacting with the player. Cucurcho didn't like the question but he still accepted to listen, he wasn't very busy that day. Walter told him that he was finding it fun and wanted to volunteer more often, he talked until the moment where he told Cucurcho about his name, he asked if he could be named after that. Cucurcho smirked and stood up, confronting Walter Bob and telling him how absurd of him it was to thing that he would accept that. Telling him he should have never went out there in the first place and that he made a mistake by trying to get close with a player. A big mistake.

After that day, Walter got expulsed from the Federation, having nowhere left to go.


Editors note;

'Okay!! This is the end of chapter 1! I know it wasn't all correct with the canon lore, but it was easier for me to write it this way. For anyone wondering, in the prison escape stream from Tazercraft, Walter told them he was there for years. Which in my story is changed, for me it was just more logical to do it this way, hope you enjoy the rest of the story when it's out!<33'

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