|The Prison|

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We all thought after being expulsed, Walter would start living on his own and have his place he always wanted and deserved. After Walter Bob got expulsed he had to spend the night sleeping outside, which wasn't so bad after all, he was just constantly thinking about where he will live and how it will be. But things took a quick turn.

The next day

Walter got some sleep, but he woke up to two workers standing right Infront of him, they were dressed as police and without a discussion took him by the arm and dragged him with them. Walter tried to ask what was going on, but they just ended up grabbing his neck pulling him down telling him to shut up and not ask questions. They had weapons, more specifically they had pans. After that, there was silence. Walter was scared, what was happening? At the time they arrived Walter finally realized where they were taking him, it was a big prison, they were standing by the entrance. That's why they were dressed as police, he never knew the Federation had workers for that. Walter wanted to stop the officers from entering the building but he just couldn't do it.

After entering they put handcuffs on him and took him to a interrogation room. Telling him he would spend time in prison for breaking a Federation rule. Walter asked what the rule was, they never really told the workers about the rules. But it was one simple rule, "Don't get attached to the players". Walter told them that he didn't break it and that he was only doing his job, which they didn't believe. They did tell him that he could still leave prison sometimes to work on the Federation projects, cause help is always needed.

After that day Walter remained locked up, hoping days of freedom would come. The prison was completely empty, he was the only one there, with some guards. Days went by and he got used to the daily routine, first there was breakfast, with awful food, then work, after that there was free time and bedtime, where the guards would check the cells every two hours. In free time he could walk around the prison, one time he went to check around all the cells and he found something on the second floor, that scared him away. There were fast flickering lights and some weird wall, he was too afraid to investigate more so he just never came back on the second floor.


Editors note;

'Okay!! This one was shorter but I just wanted to bring on the concept of Walter Bob being in prison. I'm also excited about writing the next chapter because it will be about Walter's haircut and meeting the other TazerCraft! :]'

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