Chapter 1: Strangers Like Me

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June 1st, 2026
From: S.H.I.E.L.D
Subject: Update on Maximoff

Miss Maximoff continues to be a danger to herself and others. Her powers have been contained for the most part, but we still have not yet seen the full effect of them in action.

At this time, we are not able to permit visitors.

We will continue to send further updates.

Agent Ross.

Ariel locked her phone, feeling frustrated after reading that email. It was clearly copied and pasted from the last two that she had received weeks before.

"This is getting ridiculous," she muttered to herself.

She decided she wouldn't bother responding to Agent Ross, it was obvious he couldn't or wouldn't be able to do much for her anyway.

What could he do? He was already pulling strings to give her updates on Wanda... not that they were very informative, but at least Ariel knew she was alive and okay. As okay as you can be when you're confined to SHIELD's maximum security prison.

'You'd think that fucking Spider-Woman would be able to access information on her own nemesis!' She thought to herself, shuffling around for her keys. Ariel exited her apartment for the night.

She had decided it was time to do her rounds. Hopefully something interesting would happen this time, other than petty theft and creepy guys roaming around the streets.

She pulled her mask up from her green and white spider-suit, covering her face but not her hair. She always thought it was her best asset. Why hide it?

It wasn't like there weren't a million other brunettes in the city anyway. Granted they didn't climb walls or shoot webs out of their palms, but still. She was confident her identity was really well hidden.

Well, as hidden as it can be.

Ariel Paola Palacios had been known as Spider-Woman for the past ten years. She was bitten by a radioactive spider at sixteen after a trip to the Zoo where genetically modified insects were being exhibited at the time. The bite resulted in her experiencing a hundred degree fever, fainting and waking up in the ceiling the next day.

After trial and error with her new-found powers, she decided that the best course of action was to pull a Bruce Wayne and become a superhero, or vigilante, as her father described it.

Lieutenant Benjamin Palacios didn't think Spider-Woman was all that helpful, in fact, he found her to be a menace to the city and society.

"Esa niña va terminar matándose uno de estos días, powers or not!" He would say over and over. Disdain potent in his tone. "And if it's not her, someone else will pay the price for her actions."

It was clear that her identity would have to be kept a secret. Which was hard to do in an apartment that had four other kids living in it, but she managed... for the most part.

Only two people knew who Spider-Woman truly was.

"What's up Mr. Yoshi!" She greeted, opening the glass door to the older man's shop. "Have those kids come in to steal today?"

"Not after that whooping they got from you they haven't!" Mr. Yoshi chuckled, tossing a red Gatorade her way. "Always appreciate you keeping the neighborhood safe, child."

"Just doing my job, sir," she replied, taking a sip from her drink. "Really wish there was more to do though, the city is way too peaceful nowadays."

"Be careful what you wish for, Ariel," the older man exclaimed. "Peace is a hard thing to obtain for most, don't take it for granted. One day you might wish things were as they are now."

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