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In the realm of love, where dreams unfold,
I once held true love, a treasure to behold.
But amidst the beauty, regrets found a way,
To shatter the bond, and lead love astray.

In the depths of my heart, echoes of the past,
Whispered regrets, the moments that didn't last.
A love that was pure, I let it slip away,
Now haunted by choices, in this disarray.

Oh, the bittersweet ache of a love untold,
The what-ifs and maybes, stories left cold.
Regrets dance like shadows, a haunting duet,
Reminding me constantly of what I should forget.

I long for the warmth of that tender embrace,
The soulful connection, an eternal embrace.
But regrets are the stones that weigh on my chest,
A constant reminder, of what once was best.

If only I had been brave, to follow my heart,
To cherish the love, and never let it depart.
But I let fear take hold, and doubts intertwine,
Leaving true love shattered, a love left behind.

Now I wander alone, amidst the shattered dreams,
Lost in memories, drowned in silent screams.
Regrets are the road signs, leading me astray,
On this path of sorrow, I weep and I pray.

Oh, the wounds of regret, they run so deep,
A constant ache, a pain I cannot keep.
I yearn for redemption, for a chance to revive,
The love that was lost, before it took a dive.

But alas, true love cannot be rewound,
And regrets, like scars, will forever be found.
Yet, in this melancholy, a lesson I've learned,
To cherish love deeply, before it's adjourned.

For in the tender moments and whispers of devotion,
True love finds solace, amidst life's commotion.
Regrets may linger, but I'll strive to forgive,
And embrace the love, for as long as I live.

July 31, 2023

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