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In the realm of loneliness, I tread alone,
A path forged by solitude, where my heart has grown.
Through the four seasons, its grip remains strong,
A melancholic melody, played all year long.

In the spring, as blossoms paint the land,
Loneliness buds, like flowers in my hand.
Amidst vibrant blooms, I search for connection,
But solitude whispers, a constant rejection.

Summer's sun may shine with radiant rays,
Yet, loneliness casts shadows throughout my days.
In crowded beaches and laughter-filled air,
A lonely soul, unnoticed, I'm left to bear.

Autumn arrives, with leaves of amber and gold,
Loneliness weaves, a story yet untold.
Amidst falling leaves, loneliness descends,
Embracing my weary heart, as a gentle friend.

Winter's frost blankets the world in white,
Loneliness engulfs, with its silent might.
In icy landscapes, alone I wander,
A solitary figure, to the wind I surrender.

Through the seasons of loneliness, I endure,
Seeking solace in memories, so pure.
Yet, in this solitude, strength I have found,
A resilience that echoes, without a sound.

For though the four seasons may bring despair,
In loneliness, a deeper self-awareness I bear.
A journey embraced, with courage I stride,
Finding beauty in solitude, where my soul resides.

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