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THE PRINCESS LOOKED AT HER, noticing that half of her body really was a snake

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THE PRINCESS LOOKED AT HER, noticing that half of her body really was a snake. She had scales that ran along her body and her face. Her mouth was incredibly wide and her tongue was long. No doubt, this woman was a demon— a disgusting one at that.

"Could it be you who killed those demon slayers outside the forest?"

Asuna spoke calmly, despite the anger boiling within her. She couldn't just kill the demon so easily, she wanted to have a little fun making her suffer.

"You s-ssssssaw? They were too s-ssssscrawny for my tas-sssste, they s-sssstumbled upon my town while on their way to the Entertainment District. Those demon slayers tried to s-ssssteal my human s-ssssacrifices."

The snake woman grinned at her, "But what does-sssss it matter to a human? Too bad for you, you will die."

"A human?" The princess repeated, "Word has it that you demons have a new ruler."

The demon's face contorted into a face of utter disgust, "I s-sssserve no one. Every being s-ssssserves me, feeding me and adoring me. That 'Princess-ssss' is nothing to me, S-sylvena the Snake Lady."

The sound of a branch breaking caught both of the demons' attention. It was Obanai who was attempting to run away. When Sylvena, the snake lady, saw him, her eyes immediately went wide.

"Ooh! There you are my darling sssss-snake!" she uttered happily, "Where do you think you're running off to?"

Perhaps most insulting to Asuna was not the slander this insolent demon was saying, it was the fact that the demon just ignored her presence all together. Even if she had been hiding her powers, this whole situation just ticked her off.

"I'll leave you be, enjoy your last minutes-sssss alive while I retrieve my darling boy!" Sylvena grinned, leaping away and chasing the boy.

Asuna stood there, watching the Snake Lady chase after the boy. There was a dark shadow cast over her eyes and the smile on her face was nonexistent. She had been holding back for so long. Too long.

Within a second, Asuna stood before the snake lady, her hand grasping onto the demon's head. The next second, Sylvena's head was decapitated right from her body. It was then that Obanai turned around, witnessing the demon princess in all her rage.

"Blood Demon Art, Sensual Illusion: Candlelit Coffin."

The two demons were suddenly surrounded by a large shadow, creating an almost dome-like covering. Obanai could no longer see what was happening, other than the shadow that Asuna had created around the two of them.

Sylvena could barely process what exactly just happened. One moment she was chasing that human and the next, she was trapped in this shadow. It was incredibly dark and hard to see, even with her snake-enhanced vision. Suddenly there were several candles surrounding her, all lit up at the same time. Illuminated behind each candle was a skull.

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