Chapter Three.

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I looked at my surroundings slowly trying to clam my unsteady breaths. Who are these monsters and what do they want from me? Why didn't they just kill me.. It would've made their lives way easier. Niall just confuses me by his actions. I don't know how to feel about him at this point. I mean he obviously had to have had a reason to save my life.

He completely just smacked down his best friend for no damn reason. I'm honestly nothing special, and would completely not upset anyone if I were gone.

Yeah Bailey is my best friend but she never really shows friendly affection towards me which upsets me because I want a friend who can actually listen to me.

After thinking about the things going on in my life I came back into realization that I was stuck in a room with five blood sucking disasters.

Remember when you were younger and you would watch a scary movie and there would be scary creatures and you would be terrified? Yeah? Well do you also remember your parents telling you that none of them existed and that it was just makeup and special effects? I guess they were lying the entire time.

I look up from the floor and see the boys slowly start to approach me. I tried to scoot back but was stop by the wall. I started to breath heavily.

"Why are you doing this? Just kill me already!" I yelled

They took a step back surprised by my outburst. Niall had a sad face mixed with pity and his body language made me feel slightly relaxed due to his tilted figure. Liam currently had a stiff body with a semi mad, semi sadness look. Louis look at me as if it were to be expected and so did Zayn. And Harry just looked like he didn't give a shit.

Niall slowly but surely approached me and became to close for comfort. I slowly turned my head to the side so my cheek would be flat against the cold surface of the wall. I closed my eyes and started to calm my breaths, it was all working in till I felt the back of a soft but cold hand.

I flinched at first but slowly began to lean into the hand. At this point I needed that low amount of comfort because who knows whats gonna happen to me. The soft hand left my face quicker then I expected and I whimpered without knowing. I heard a chuckle come from in front of me but I still refused to take my face away from the wall.

"You know you can turn your head around right?" said Louis.

"You'll hurt me.." I softly whispered to him.

I heard Niall sigh and I could tell he wasn't happy with my answer. I then felt two cold fingers place theirself under my chin and gently turned my face forward. I kept my eyes closed scared to see what sat upon me.

"Please open your eyes everything will be okay. I promise." Niall's calming voice spoke.

I let out an unsteady breath and then opened my slightly watered eyes which revealed..


I'm back.

Please comment and tell me if you would like to see more of this story.

Lots of love,


btw not edited.. ops.

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