Chapter 24

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I brushed off my pants as I scooted closer to Daryl to make room for Aaron to step onto the platform

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I brushed off my pants as I scooted closer to Daryl to make room for Aaron to step onto the platform. We got torches that were lit, climbing up to the high platform. I followed closely behind Connie, who was following Daryl. 

Once we came to a stop in a small section of the cave, Daryl turned around, handing Connie the torch.

"Alright. I need you to stay here. Keep everyone together," Daryl said, using hand motions to help better explain what he was trying to say. Connie nodded as Daryl lit a match, walking further ahead.

"Should I even ask how we're doing on food?" Aaron asked, looking over at Jerry.

"Not great," Jerry replied.

"Food?!" Kelly exclaimed, looking over at the two boys. "How long do you think we gonna be here?"

"We're going to get out. Just stay calm," I said, attempting to reassure her.

"Yeah, walkers got in here somehow. We'll get out," Jerry agreed with me. I took a seat against some rocks, realizing we could be in here for a while trying to find a way out.

"I think we know exactly how they got in here," Aaron said. "Alpha put them here. These are theirs. We have to assume we're not alone."

"I'm fine. Just a little winded," Carol said, causing me to look over at her. I took notice of Connie using her sign language, silently replying to Carol.

"She's claustrophobic," Daryl informed her.

"Why didn't you think of that before you got us all trapped down here?" Magna asked, clearly angry. 

"Hey, I played a role in this, too," I said in an attempt to defend Carol.

"Yeah, both your reckless actions got us stuck here," Magna snapped.

"Now isn't the time for this," Aaron said, and he was right. It really wasn't.

"Why not?" Magna asked, anger laced in her voice. "Seems like we have plenty of it. "What the hell were you thinking, huh? Running off like that by yourselves."

"Hey! We ain't got time for this shit," Daryl said, returning to gather the group. "We got in this mess together. We're gonna get out of it together. Now follow me. I think I found a way out."

I heaved myself to my feet, sighing as I moved to follow him. I let Connie and Carol go first, staying back with the boys. Daryl led us to a new section of the cave, one that was dripping with water. Each little droplet hitting a small pool of water irritated me. 

We set up, sitting down as we waited to figure out what to do. "Hey, can I get matches?" Magna asked, looking down at Daryl, who was sitting beside me.

"You should try to take it easy for a minute," Daryl suggested, looking up at her. He had his elbows rested on his knees, while his legs were pulled to his chest. 

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