Solis VIII

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"Bring her here, to the pack house. I would like one last talk with her," Xavian said before hanging up the phone. He set it face down on the desk. He sat at the desk in his father's office and Lucian sat in a chair across from him.

"She made her choice, son, there is nothing more you can do." Lucien could see the disappointment in his son's face. "Talking to her again won't change that."

"I know but I would like her to understand before we kill her, that I am truly sorry and I need to know that I tried everything." Xavian scrubbed his hands over his face and leaned back in the rolling chair.

"This will get easier with time," Lucian said with a sigh. He had been the same way as a young heir. He wanted to save them all too. "They should be here shortly. Let's get ready to head outside."

Xavian stood slowly from his seat and looked down at the photo taken of Hadley after she had been brought in by the patrols only four days ago. She was still asleep from the drugs but looked peaceful despite her situation. The patrol log paired with her photo described the interaction between her and the patrols, the near-death situation for the beta, and her willpower during the fight. She would have been a damn good fighter for Saturn, if only she was willing to negotiate. He had known the rogues to be stubborn and their hatred for packs, but never expected one to choose death over it. Though, part of him felt he may choose similarly if presented the same situation.

Xavian followed his father out of the office and down the staircase into the foyer of the house, their shoes echoing off the marble floors. He stepped outside and waited on the porch with his father. A guard stood on either side of the porch, watching the drive ahead of the house for sign of the transport van.

"How are they going to put her to death?" Xavian asked lowly, crossing his hands in front of him and browsing the tree line to distract himself from the inevitable.

"A bullet. Fastest and easiest for her. She will be buried with her parents," Lucian said calmly. The rumble of a vehicle could be heard from a distance. Xavian exhaled a heavy breath. His father's bluntness was something he'd dealt with his whole life, but it didn't make this any easier.

The black transport van rolled up in the drive and the doors swung open. First the guard stepped down and then Hadley. Xavian inhaled and his breath caught for a second. He let out a choked cough. Lucian looked over at him with a furrowed brow.

"You okay, son?" He asked as Xavian fought back a look of anguish.

Xavian cleared his throat and turned around. "I am sorry, can I excuse myself for a moment?" He hurriedly stepped into the back house and slammed the door behind him without a reply from his father.

Lucian stayed on the porch, watching the guards take the girl's arms and stand at attention in front of their Alpha. He finally stepped off the stairs when they stopped and waited. "Hadley, I am Lucian Vernon, Alpha of Saturn. I am Xavian's father. I heard about you and your story and would like to offer my sincerest apologies." He clasped his hands behind his back and looked down at her. The girl did not say a word. She didn't even raise her gaze to his. Lucian knew he shouldn't expect an act of respect from a rogue but felt a pang of anger at the disrespect, though it fizzled out quickly. It was not his case to worry about, it was his son's.

"It is my understanding that you have chosen the option of execution over induction into Saturn, am I correct?" He asked cooly, raising his chin. He addressed the guards with his eyes, and they bowed their heads silently.

Hadley nodded in response, her hair falling over her shoulders and shadowed her face.

"My son requested a final conversation with you; however, he will be just a moment if you would excuse me." Lucian turned and stepped inside the house following Xavian. His son stood just inside the door, looking increasingly more anxious. He paced back and forth in the foyer, his hands raking through his hair. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen him so riled up.

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