Solis XIV

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Xavian took his place on the porch again at the top of the stairs where people were coming and going from inside the house. More mundane conversations with other Alphas, rejecting the numerous advances of she-wolves, and taking the offering of drinks from waiters as they passed by. He was too many drinks in to keep track. He had to be if he was going to make it through the night with his mate almost close enough to touch but so far at the same time.

Her scent would waft over the crowd every once in a while. He knew she was outside but she blended in with the masses of people in black and gold clothing. He should've told Braya to put her in a color that would stand out, then maybe he could keep a better eye on her and his wolf could let go of some of the worry pent up in his chest.

He worried another male would get close to her or touch her. Would she let them? His wolf growled at the thought. He swallowed another gulp of the strong liquor in his glass. Dominic appeared beside him and shoved a full glass into his other hand.

"Haven't found a warm body for the night yet?" Xavian grunted, passing his empty glass off to a buss-boy as they passed.

Dominic chuckled and gripped Xavian's shoulder tight with one hand. "I've tasted a couple so far, but nothing that I deemed worthy of sticking with me tonight. I've still got time."

Xavian raised an eyebrow at his Beta's antics and took another gulp of his drink. The alcohol began dimming the sounds of the music outside. Good, it was working. 

"Have you seen your dad?" Dominic asked, raising his chin to look over the crowd to see if he could spot anything interesting. 

Xavian shrugged, "Not since I left him to go find something to eat. He's probably still inside talking to the older Alphas."

Dominic nodded. "Very well. I'm going to check in with him. Go have some fun. It's a blood moon after all!" It seemed Dominic had forgotten all about Xavian's current situation, or maybe he was insinuating Xavian forget about it for a night. Impossible.

His attention was snagged when his sister almost slipped past him. He reached out and grabbed her arm. She stopped and looked up at him with glistening eyes. She'd had plenty to drink it seemed.

"Yes?" She snipped. On her other arm was Theo. He should've known. The fellow Alpha looked mildly perturbed to have been stopped on his journey to get his mate alone. 

"Where is she?" Xavian growled close to his sister's ear so she would hear him over the music. His irritation was written on his face. Braya was specifically instructed to stay with her.

"She will be okay for a minute. She told me she would. She's dancing," Braya assured, gesturing to the huge crowd of people.

Xavian snapped, "Dancing alone? You know we can't fully trust her yet. And I don't trust the males on this property."

Braya shook her head and pulled her arm away from him. "You're being paranoid, Xav. Go get her if you're so worried. I promise she's fine." Theo whisked her away into the pack house once he deemed the conversation over. 

Xavian let out a heavy breath of annoyance and knocked back the rest of his drink. Finding her should be easy enough, he thought to himself. He took a step down the stairs. Her scent was obscured by the amount of people outside and the drinks floating around his bloodstream. Maybe not.

He made it to the bottom of the stairs before he was promptly stopped by someone hanging off his arm. They slipped their free hand up his chest and under the lapel of his jacket. Her scent hit is nose before he could look at her.

"Xavian, I haven't seen you in forever," the someone purred. Xavian resisted the urge to throw his head back and groan.

"Sadie, now is not the time." He tried to pull his arm away. She held on, her manicured talons wrapping around his bicep.

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