Shut your magical ass up, part 2

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A/N: Yeah, so I decided to split this into two parts because it ended up being way too long to have as a single thing.

Reina groaned, blinking as she opened her eyes. When she opened her eyes however, the sight that greeted her was not what she expected. Instead of the roof she had fallen asleep upon, she was greeted with cell bars. Suddenly wide awake, she looked down to see heavy duty cuffs on her wrist and ankles, all attached to the wall behind her with strange runes on them. "Oh, your awake" a deep voice said. Looking up and through the bars, she saw a familiar red haired man with burns over his hands staring back at her. "How are your arms?" Reina asked. "About as good as your legs by the look of things" Garret replied. Without any further communication, the Ravenette leaned back against the stone wall, her eyes tracing the cracks and moss on the ceiling. "Should have known better than to trust a human" she told herself. As Garret turned to leave, he felt a stone hit him in the back of the head. "Tell that traitorous bastard I'll kill him" Reina said, before going back to staring at the ceiling.

Garret stayed silent as he ascended the stairs out of the dungeon, earning strange looks from others as the usually cheerful man walked through the corridors is silence. He entered a large dining room, with as long as fuck table taking up the majority space. At the far end sat a older man with a older woman to his left, and a familiar brunet man sitting to his right. "My lord, the prisoner is awake" Garret announced, bowing to the older man. "Ah, splendid. We shall begin after supper" the man said. "Father, what do you intend to do to her?" Adam asked, placing his cutlery down on either side of his plate. "Adam, when you are King of this country, you will understand what I'm about to tell you" the older man said. "You enemies must be taught a lesson. Use one as a letter, and the rest will read what is coming their way should they disobey." Adam sighed, knowing there was no changing his fathers mind. Garret watched the interaction, seeing his childhood friend forced into something he didn't want didn't sit right with the red haired man, but what could he do? He was nothing except a expendable guard. 

"The coronation is in one week. Until then, you are not to leave the upper levels of the castle unless escorted by myself or your mother" the current king said. "It's obvious you still feel something for that demon, and this is to prevent you from interfering." "She isn't a demon, father!" Adam yelled, standing up and slamming the table. "She's anything but-" "Were you not the one who brought to my attention that she has been stealing from our people? And early yesterday, you told me she was behind the Swansong massacre? We are not to blame here. If you care so much, you should have left her alone. But as the King, I must do something about this criminal. Or rather, you will. You will show everyone that, even as a new King, you're capable of cracking down on any problem, and will show no mercy doing it." After the King's speech, Adam let out a *tch*, before marching out of the room and up the stairs towards the roof, Garret following close behind.

Kicking the roof access open, the brunet man stepped out, sitting on the ridge of the roof. Garret followed the man, sitting next to him. "What have I done Garret?" Adam asked. The red haired man glanced at his friend, before looking out over the city. "I'd say you've fucked up" he said. "Big time in fact." Adam groaned, burring his face in his hands. "You can say that a million times over" he agreed. "Why did I do it? I could have just let her go, or run away with her. Instead I pulled out her heart and stomped all over it." Garret nodded, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. "You really killed every part of her now" a familiar old man said, appearing on the roof next to the two. Both jumped in surprise, Adam recognising the man as the bartender from earlier that day. "Who are you?" Adam asked. "That isn't your concern" Death said, a fair bit of anger present in his voice. "I came here to collect the broken heart of a broken girl, and what do I find? The cause. Tell me, is this how you treat people who are important to you?"

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