Fall of Loyalty

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It was a pleasant afternoon filled with a mild breeze and sunny skies; a perfect day for warming up and getting fresh air. Up in the mid-air with no expectation comes a female cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane bashing rapidly with a strong force
of breeze in the sky and falling back down, and coming back up in a high altitude while forming an incredible source of speed using her wing power
and her agility in making a perfect bolt shape cloud lining to bold in the existence of her name of the loveable and fastest flying mare in the
entire Equestria, RAINBOW DASH! Rainbow confidently without fear or hesitation, swoops down like a shooting star and glazing a loop up to the sky, and flies back down in a free fall and forms a loop de loop with cloud lining behind her as she flies doing impressive tricks in the sky with the crowd of colts and mares watching and hollering and cheering wildly as the cyan pegasus continues to show many tricks!

Rainbow's favorite fan, Scootaloo, galloped fast towards the area where Rainbow Dash was showing off her moves, and cheering in glee for Rainbow Dash.

"Yay! Rainbow Dash! You're an amazing flyer!! Screamed Scootaloo.

The praise from Rainbow's favorite fan boasts her ego and high self-esteem, giving her the confidence to perform the special ability she rarely performs, the sonic rainboom! As she starts to fly up into the sky, and she flies down with incredible speed like a flash of lightning coming down from the bottom of a storm cloud. She forms a beam of a white triangle form by a source of rapid speed, bringing to hit first phase of performing the sonic rainboom.

As she increases her speed, the white beam that formed a angle shortens around Rainbow's
head and mane, pushing more wind force on Rainbow Dash as she pushes in more speed to bring an explosion of the rainbow formed by her mane and tail. Rainbow was extremely
eager to perform her greatest performance she's done as a young filly in flight camp,
winning a race to bring justice for her friend, Fluttershy when she was getting bullied back in flight school.
"Almosttt, thereee!" mutters Rainbow Dash.

The angle of white light gotten tighter around
Rainbow Dash's head as she pushes harder with
intense speed and straight. Rainbow Dash
was boast ful to perform the Sonic Rainboam,
she wanted to do this, for all her fans, especially
Scootaloo, waiting patiently with a exited expression.

This was the moment of wild excitement
for every pony in the area watching her
perform her grand finale, as she successfully
passes the process and 'BOOM' goes the sonic
rainboom! Rainbow laughs in excitement as she a
swoops around with a beam of the rainbow
from her mane and tail while Scootaloo
screams and cheers in sublimation.


A piercing yell coming from the ground
sounding urgent brings Rainbow Dash to
quickly land with her hooves onto the
ground. She notices that pierce yell came
one of her best friends, Twilight Sparkle.

"Oh! Hey Twilight! Sup?" Ask Rainbow Dash curiously.

"Rainbow, can we talk? This is important."

"Oh! Of course! Whaddya need, Twi?"

"I need you in the library with me right after you are finish what you are doing.

"Don't worry, Twi! I'll be there ASAP!" Rainbow Dash responds
giving twilight a friendly wink.

Twilight sighs and slowly opens up her eyelids, looking straight towards Rainbow's magenta eyes.

"Just hurry up please."

"You got it!"

Rainbow flies up to the middle of the crowd of ponies to proclaim about her dismissal of
the crowd.

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