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Present Mic rushes to the kitchen and finds his husband lifting Izuku off the ground, instructing Eri to stay in the living room. Without hesitation, Aizawa takes Izuku in his arms and runs out the door, Hitoshi following close behind. Before Mic can even begin to ask what was going on the door is shut in his face.
He quickly turns the corner and is met with a chilling sight—the floor stained a crimson red, a half-prepped meal abandoned on the counter, a blood stained rag laying on the side of the sink- something is very wrong.

With urgency, he sends Eri to her room to pack a small bag for an impromptu "sleepover", instructing her to gather some essentials for Izuku and Hitoshi as well since they left in a hurry and forgot to bring anything.

While Eri is preoccupied, Mic begins to strategize. He reaches for his phone and dials Mirio's number, aware that Mirio has a special way of comforting Eri and would be the perfect person to take care of her while they visit Izuku in the hospital. Mirio answers the call promptly.

"Hey, Mirio! We're heading to the hospital to see Izuku, and I was wondering if you could lend a hand by looking after Eri. She's a bit anxious about hospitals."

Mirio's voice carried his concern. "Oh, of course, Mic! I'll be there right away. Poor Eri must be worried. I'll make sure to take good care of her."

"Thanks, Mirio. You're a lifesaver," Mic said gratefully before ending the call.

Mic gets to work scrubbing the blood off the floor, worry rising in his chest as he realizes just how much blood there is. The tears streaming down his face make lines down his bloodstained hands. When he's done he tosses  grabs a few things for himself and his husband before calling bakugou and todoroki. They both picked up, and Mic didn't waste any time getting to the point.

"Hey, Katsuki, Shoto. Izuku had a bit of a scare earlier tonight, and he's in the hospital now. We're going to visit him. You guys want to come with?"

Bakugou's voice was filled with concern. "What happened to the damn nerd?! Is he okay?!"

"I don't know," Mic reassured him. "Aizawa and Hitoshi are with him now. I'll explain in the car, you in or not?"

Todoroki's voice was calm as usual. "I'll come along. I hope he's doing alright."

"Good. He'll be glad to see you both there. Eri and Mirio might be coming with too," Mic replied before promptly hanging up to a barrage of Bakugou's worried screams.
He finishes just in time for Eri to come down the stairs, dragging two large backpacks behind her with a smaller one on her back. Eri realizes something serious is going on and decides not to ask questions. Mic sits Eri down and starts to explain.
"Hey Eri. Something happened with Izuku and he has to stay the night at the hospital. Dad and Hitoshi are already there with him. I know you hate hospitals, so I called Mirio and he's on his way. He should be here any second now. I'm giving you two options here and whatever you pick I want you to know that it's all going to be ok. If you want to visit deku at the hospital you can come with me. If you'd prefer to stay away from the hospital you can go stay the night with mirio or mirio can stay the night with you here. It's up to you, but I kinda need a decision soon ok kiddo?"

Eri nods.
"Hospitals are scary... but I really want to see Izu-Chan and make sure he's alright. If I have you with me I think I can be brave like Deku. I can do it!"
"Yeah you can kiddo! That's the spirit!"
Mic gives an enthusiastic high-five and playfully ruffles eri's hair.
There's a knock at the door.
Mic goes to open it and invites mirio inside . Mirio greeted them with a warm smile and assured Eri that he would take good care of her while they visited Izuku.
"Are you ready to go see deku, Eri-Chan?"

Eri still a bit afraid, nodded bravely and held Mirio's hand tightly.

With everything sorted out, Mic tells Eri that they're going to pick up a few other friends along the way.
Present Mic stops at the UA dorms to pick up Bakugou and Todoroki, who both seemed anxious to see their friend. Bakugou opens his mouth to threaten mic for answers, then sees Eri in the backseat and promptly shuts up. Todoroki joins Mirio and Eri in the back and Bakugou takes the front, grumpily sitting next to Mic. As the night drags on they drive in an uneasy silence. Mic's phone lights up with a barrage of unread messages from Shota Aizawa. The silence is broken.
"I need answers. Now." Bakugou growls in a grave tone.
"If I had answers, I would have told you already. Look, just take my phone and read. I haven't had the chance to yet and we all need to know what we're getting ourselves into."
Mic hands the phone to Katsuki, subtly hinting to Mirio to cover Eri's ears. Mirio gives Eri his headphones and tells her to listen to this new song he found for her. Bakugou starts with the first text if the night.

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