Chapter 0: Information

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Name: Y/N

Gender: Ambiguous (Your Choice)

Age: 22

DOB: 770.M41 (December 22nd, 40770)

Planet: Duntopia

Planet Type: Civilized World

Looks (Hair Type, Hair Color, Skin Tone, etc): Ambiguous (Your Choice)

Bio: Born and raised by a mechanic on Duntopia, your ability to use your hands in creative ways that landed you in the Guardsman "Duntopia's Sword" 5th Regiment. Within basic training, you was praised by many of your leaders with your remarkable creativity and inherit usage of the Las weaponry. As well as your decent ability in melee combat and your ability to adapt to certain situations. You treat your brothers and sisters the same, expecting trust and loyalty from them at all cost, get understanding that sometimes there is a thing as "too much."

Although you are no heretic, you do not necessarily believe in the Emperor of Man to be a god. You see him as a sacrificial ruler; a being of high status that gave his life for his world. His kingdom. And for that, you promised him that you will fight to them very last. An oath not to a god from his follower, but a lord from his soldier.

You do not inherently hate the xenos, however, you are wary of them. If you had the chance you would talk to one, but tis is not possible. The xenos are your enemies, and every single one of them must be slain.

You get along well with most of your brothers and sisters within the Astra Militarum. But... There have been multiple instances of..."disagreements"with your Commissars. Many of the Troopers wonder how you're still alive after the stunts you pulled. But those are tales for another time...

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