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I can't believe we're leaving. I can't do this. "Ice, are you paying attention?" I look up and fake smile, "yeah, of course mom."

My mom gets an impatient look on her face. "In that case what did I just say?" I flash my best shit eating grin at her, "you said Ice are you paying attention?" She looks like she's trying not to strangle me, ha.

I love pressing her buttons, especially when she decides we have to move, again. "I said, it's different this time." I put a get real look on my face. "Mom, we've been moved around our whole lives, what could be so different this time?"

She looked at the floor, " I want to move to Florida to help take care of your grandmother." What?! I school my expressions blank. Then I slowly smile. "That'd be great!" I said trying to sound as happy as possible.

A relieved look crossed her face. "Are you sure?" No. I don't want to move at all, let alone states away. "Yeah I'm sure." She smiles gratefully, "well, I will let you finish drawing." I look down at my cartoon drawing of Dawn.

I don't think I can finish it after this. "Yeah, that'd be good. Make sure you tell Flame." My mom goes to stand by my door, "of course I will, that's where I'm going right now. Love you." I smile softly, "love you too."

She walks out of my room to go talk to my sibling. "I love you, but I hate having to move, again." I whisper to my bedroom walls. I don't want to leave, I have friends and family here. And what about Dawn? It will break her heart.

I look down at my drawing of her, she's beautiful. Even when I'm not drawing her, off the page. Dawn's pale complexion, freckles, rosy cheeks, blond curly hair, and brown eyes makes her look like a doll. I love this youngin, how am I ever going to leave her?

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