The Slenderman

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Y/N's POV:

EJ led me upstairs and into a hallway, where I figured "his" office or something was.

"Through here," EJ said, leading me through a new hallway. How big was this place?

Sighing, I decided to break the silence, which, at this point, was hard to do without something sharp. "So, you're EJ?" I asked.

The masked boy paused before walking again, this time at a slightly faster pace. "What of it?" he grumbled.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," I said under my breath. I guess he heard me, because he shot me what I could only assume was a glare. "So," I continued, somewhat awkwardly, "I'm Y/N. Now you don't have to keep calling me "the girl". It's... Kinda weird."

"Don't care. It's not like I should get attached," EJ replied. "You're just going to die sooner or later."

"Oh, boy, what an optimist," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "You seem like such a joyful person to be around!"

He stopped and turned around, grabbing my shoulders. His grip was tight, and I could swear he was staring into my soul. "Either shut your mouth, or I'll shut it for you," he snarled. "After all, I'm a killer. I don't care about you, and you shouldn't care about me."

I stared right back at him before a giggle escaped my lips. "Sorry, sorry, just... No offense, but it's kind of hard to take you seriously when all I can see is black and blue," I stated.

EJ groaned and removed his hands from my shoulders. "You are incredibly annoying, you know that?" he mumbled.

I laughed in response.

A few moments later, we arrived at a door. EJ knocked, and when we heard a "Come in," he opened it. He led - well, pushed - me inside.

I stared, slack-jawed, at the faceless being in front of me. It was tall and wearing a suit. It was like some kind of... Wait.

"Slenderman?" I murmured.

EJ turned his head to look at me, clearly unamused, while Slenderman merely nodded.

"And how, if you don't mind my asking, do you know my name?" he queried.

"Um, well..." I tried to figure out how to say it simply and with as little disrespect as possible. "You're kind of known as a Creepypasta, Sir," I began. "You and other Creepypastas, like Jeff the Killer and Ben Drowned, are, um, internet famous."

My eyes widened. "Oh, oh, geez... I was playing poker with those guys-?" I realized. "I was playing poker with a killer..."

"You really didn't realize that earlier?" EJ said, raising a brow.

"Ah, yes, because I was supposed to understand that I was hanging out with psychopaths that I thought were internet horror stories that never existed while my mind was still reeling with knock-out chemicals," I retorted.

"Enough," Slenderman said, his voice reverberating in my head. "How many people know about us, Y/N?"

For a moment I wanted to ask how he knew my name, but then I remembered that he speaks telepathically, which also meant he could read my thoughts. Better not think about one of my most embarrassing moments...

"Uh, thousands of people," I admitted, answering his question. "Probably millions, now that I think about it. Certainly a lot of people. But no one believes you really exist. You're just... popular."

I snickered. "Especially Jeff. There are a lot of Ninas out there, except they haven't been burned alive or anything. I hope."

Slenderman nodded slightly. "Interesting... Now, Y/N, might I ask you something?"

"Um, as long as I don't need to kill anyone," I responded tentatively. Blood made me feel a bit queasy, but only when it was real. Definitely not when it was "hyper realistic", as some Creepypasta stories would say.

"No, nothing to do with that," Slenderman answered. "I only want to know: Why do you think I shouldn't kill you right here, right now?"

I blinked. I was not expecting that question. "Umm... I don't really know," I said truthfully. "Cause people will come looking for me, and when they mysteriously disappear, more people will look for them, and so on. Or, if you're looking for a less specific answer, I know a lot about your fan base and can keep you updated on that." Okay, so maybe I overthink things a bit too much. At least it could possibly, by some chance, just maybe come in helpful.

"I get the feeling that Dark Link wouldn't mind," EJ sighed next to me. I giggled, earning a light laugh from the masked boy. It made me happy to hear such a sound from someone who had seemed so cold only moments before.

Slenderman cleared his throat - at least, that's what it sounded like - to bring back our attention, although I got the feeling he was smiling a little on the inside. "Yes, well," the tall creature said, "that could come in helpful. Just, please, don't talk to any of the children about it."

I saluted, standing straight. "Sir, yes, sir," I belted. "I would never let them know, anyway. There is a lot of stuff that they should not know about."

EJ gave me a look, and I stared back at him. No reason to lie, and the guy knew it. I could hear him sigh softly and look back at Slenderman.

The faceless creature "stared" at us for a few moments before addressing EJ. "Please take her to her room," he said. "If there are any left on the second floor, that would be preferable."

EJ nodded. "Yes, Sir," he said. He turned and walked to the door, holding it open for me. I probably would have blushed if he wasn't a cannibal.

I quickly left the room, turning back to make sure EJ was behind me. He pushed past me and began walking the opposite direction we had come from. I followed until the hallway opened into a large room. I paused and looked around, finding it breathtaking.

There was a crystal chandelier high above the ground, and quaint lamps on the walls. There was a large corner couch that looked like it could seat at least sixteen people, not to mention the chairs and beanbags. There was a huge flat screen TV, along with an Xbox, PS5, GameCube and plenty of other gaming stuff.

Off to the right was the kitchen, and in the other direction was the entryway. I looked behind myself to see a grand staircase, like you might see in a movie. There were two sets of stairs and everything!

"Come on," EJ said gruffly, leading me up the steps. It didn't escape me that he had allowed me to take in the sight of the living room.

He led me through another hallway on the second floor, stopping only once we were at a fairly plain door, compared to the others. "This is where you'll be staying," the masked boy said, opening the door for me. "I can ask Sally and Jane to help you with figuring things like clothing out later, but for now, feel free to settle in."

There was a queen sized bed on one side of the room, complete with those fancy curtains. They were my favorite color, which was a bit surprising. They also matched the curtains on the windows.

Besides the bed, there was a dresser, a vanity, some bookshelves with books already on them, and some chairs. There were also bedside tables on either side of the bed with lamps.

I wandered into the room, taking in everything I saw. "I'll send Toby up to give you the grand tour of the place," EJ said, bringing me back to the present. "I hope you don't mind long walks."

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