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MUZAN KIBUTSUJI SMILED, watching his daughter sit elegantly on her throne

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MUZAN KIBUTSUJI SMILED, watching his daughter sit elegantly on her throne. It had been 300 years since he had spent any time with her. Yet here she was, staring him down with a bored expression.

She had grown, both physically and emotionally. The throne suited her now, unlike before when she first tried to sit in it. Her eyes were void of any light and her heart held no lingering attachments. The way she spoke was both alluring and captivating, even for the most headstrong souls she came across.

Something the demon king hated more than insolence was imperfection. He despised the weak humans with all their flaws. Especially his own, which disabled him and all his followers from entering into the sun. It was from this he sought to make his only blood daughter perfect. From the deep-rooted feelings of his, this unlikely term—love—became obsession.

It's not to say he didn't care about his daughter when he sent her away, it was that he saw her leave as a means of putting out that flaw in her. The flaw he sought to destroy was her compassion, her naivety, and above all, her human side. Now she had returned, after all those miserable years without hearing her, just the look of contempt on her face was enough. His daughter he loved so much was finally back in his arms.

Although, he didn't account for her total loss in emotions. Upon her first arrival before the Uppermoons Meeting, the demon king noticed that she was quick to pledge her love to him. He made no move to ask but he felt it hit him later that day.

The words she spouted that used to be so full of admiration were nothing but baseless empty words of affection. Even if it was the exact same sentence she said some 300 years ago, the feeling just didn't sit right with him. He had everything about her that he wanted— she was powerful, beautiful, intelligent, fierce— yet that feeling still bugged him. It was a fire he wanted to keep burning, flickering like a candle for only him. Even after he had already extinguished it.

"Father," she spoke coldly, a smile still present on her face, "Did you strain your eyes? You keep squinting at me, I'm worried you may end up getting wrinkles."

Her father walked towards her, his deep black hair swaying as he did so. As he continued to take in Asuna's features, he realized just how much she looked like her mother. Not that that specific human meant anything to him, it was a miracle that a baby was even born. Nonetheless, the useless woman attempted to run and hide the baby from him. He originally planned to keep her alive for the sake of raising his child, but after this foolish attempt which angered him, he decided she wasn't worth keeping alive.

Before she got on a boat to sail far away from Japan, he had concluded her whereabouts and found her himself. After killing her, he observed the baby who had the same piercing red eyes as he did. He found himself being charmed by those eyes, and before he knew it, he had taken the baby back to the Infinity Castle. It was only when he put the baby down did he realize he had fallen under a spell. A demon art. Her demon art.

It was then that he knew this baby was far from ordinary. While he originally figured the baby would serve nothing more than a useless annoyance, that little glimmer of hope he had for her soon blossomed into something more. He wanted her to be his perfect little obedient daughter— well originally. That was until he realized she was far too crazy and temperamental for him to control. Not that he was any better. Like father, like daughter.

"How has it been being back here?" he asked firmly, "You seem to be having fun with the new members."

Asuna simply smiled, tapping her nails against the throne's arm rest.

"They are weak," she said blandly, "but they're interesting. I may just enjoy turning them into my little marionettes."

Muzan rolled his eyes, sitting down on a seat that appeared behind him. He mimicked her position, crossing his leg as the two stared right into each others' eyes. It was then that he noticed that she seemed a little annoyed and that her tapping of her nails was more than just a habit.

"Oh?" he murmured, "Did something tick my darling daughter off? That's rare."

She looked at him, annoyed at his sarcastic comment.

"Your control over your demons is weak," she spat, "I understand not knowing of me during those 300 years, but your announcement seems to have fallen on deaf ears."

Her father's eyes narrowed, "Is that so?"

Muzan felt himself growing angrier at the announcement, his daughter was disrespected this soon? Because of his own weakness? He grit his teeth, his eyes glowing a red hue.

"I thought you already told them all about me," Asuna whined, fingers lacing themselves around his, "I'm so upset, daddy~"

He glanced down at her hands, his frustration spiking. However, at the same time, he started to feel another feeling. One similar to pleasure, except in a different sense. A feeling that made him feel superior for having someone depend on him— that being his own daughter. Unbeknownst to him, his daughter could see every little emotion playing on his face.

He was an open book.

Asuna inwardly grinned, standing up. She gracefully let his hands go, hiding any evidence of the wicked laugh that threatened to leave her lips.

"Give me your authority," she whispered softly, "then I can prove your words are true. To get back the respect you deserve~"

"Give you authority?" He muttered, "in what way?"

"To kill any demons that dare disrespect our bloodline," she said innocently, "I can't stand our name being tarnished.. and I'm no longer so immature like I was 300 years ago."

Muzan stared into her eyes, the pair standing in utter silence. He made the first move, lifting his hand to move a stray hair out of his daughter's face. He then leaned back, his hand running through his hair as he did so. Eventually he let out a sigh, his shoulders relaxing.

"Do as you wish," he said dismissively, "They haven't even found the blue spider lily after all."

Asuna smiled, feeling a rush of adrenaline run through her veins. Her father had given more than his authority, he had relinquished all his surveillance over her. She knew he was growing increasingly impatient over this obsession to conquer the sun, and being insulted did not help. He had Nakime trailing her with her blood demon art, watching her every move to make sure she didn't repeat the past.

As soon as he said these words, Nakime's presence disappeared entirely— confirming Asuna's suspicions. She was truly free to wander on her own, to establish her domain without anyone bothering her.

After 300 years, she smiled wickedly.

I have returned.

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