By Your Side 🔞

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A few days later...

Dr Kim: I've checked on your condition. Overall it looks like you have become better, and you may go home.

Namjoo: Yes!

Yukiki: Oh okay... He can go home by today?

Dr Kim: Yes, Mr Yukiki.

Yukiki: Oh okay then.... Do you wanna go home? *look at Namjoo*

Namjoo: Sure! I wanna come home with you! *excited*

Yukiki: *smiles* okay then I'll pack up your thing first.

Namjoo: Okay~

Namjoo just sitting on the bed while Yukiki packing up all clothes and other things in the bag. While Yukiki pack up the things, someone come inside the room.

Namjoo: Oh who's that?

Yukiki: Not sure I can't-

Yukiki stopped when he saw it was Mrs Jeon comes.

Mr Jeon: So... You're here again... You really challenge me right?!

Namjoo: Oh eomma...

Mrs Jeon stopped. She then looked at Namjoo.

Mrs Jeon: oh my baby..  *happy*

Mrs Jeon walk going close to Namjoo.

Mrs Jeon: You look much better today...

Namjoo: Yea. The doctor said that I can go home now.

Mrs Jeon: Okay then let's pack your things. *pulled the bag from Yukiki.*

Namjoo noticed that his mom was trying to disturb Yukiki.

Namjoo: But ... I wanna go back with Yukiki. I wanna go to his home.

Mrs Jeon heard that. She immediately threw the bag down to the floor. It's getting a mess again. Yukiki stunned.

Namjoo: Mom! What are you doing?!

Mrs Jeon: I am not allowed to let you go with a bad guy!

Namjoo: who's the bad guy that you mentioned? Do you mean Yukiki? He's not a bad guy mom! What has happened to me is not his fault! It was an accident!

Mrs Jeon: So you're trying to defend him? Namjoo are you crazy?! After what he had done to you?! If he really wants you he will not leave you and hurt you like this!

Namjoo: Mom! Can you stop blaming him?! You don't know what has happened! So you can't blame people just like that!

Mrs Jeon: Oh so do you want to say this is not because of him?!

Namjoo: Yeah! It's not because of him!

Yukiki: Namjoo... Calm down .. you can't say like that ... She is your mom...

Yukiki got afraid, he tried to stop the situation but Namjoo won't let him do it. Namjoo continues to talk back to his mother.

Namjoo: Do you wanna know what happened on that day?! Do you really want to know that?! Okay let me explain to you now!

Mrs Jeon didn't respond anything she just let Namjoo explain it.

Namjoo: That day... When I've found Yukiki, we were both have talked each other and explain everything. After that because I was so mad at him... I leave him without saying anything and the moment I want to go pass through the highway there is a car who did not stop when traffic light is red. I didn't realize that car come to me. Now do you get the situation? Can't you stop blaming him?

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