16 | Shadows

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RUBBLES of buildings are scattered everywhere, so much so that a pathway can't even be singled out. It's daytime now, so the forlorn buildings of yesterday look more ominous, with the briars threatening to break them apart and turn them to fellow debris. There are also gargoyles at the top of the buildings that still manage to stand, and their eyes all seem to be narrowed at me, causing the hairs on my body to rise.

However, that's not the disturbing part. It's the sight of blood splattered and the crows gathered at some corners feasting on what I fear may be bodies.

My stomach hurls in disgust, pushing me to throw up the few contents in it.

The tavern was safe enough. I don't think I want to go any further.

I unconsciously start to walk back, and as though Iyan can sense my sudden decision, he whips his head back, and Auriana looks down at me in worry, giving way for Iyan who starts to walk toward me.

"Analia," he says with a sigh, and another soul-piercing wail causes me to crouch on the ground and hyperventilate.

It feels as though every part of my body is palpitating in fear. My hands won't stop quivering, my legs too, and my vision is blurring by the second.

I'm scared.

I'm scared.

I'm scared.

I can't breathe. I'm trying to comport myself, but no matter how much I try to grasp the air back into my lungs, it only proves futile.

Fear is what kills at this terror.

I haven't even seen any of the monsters yet; I'm so shaken. Auriana must've been through so much. Why am I whimpering like some kind of child?

My vision is now glossed with tears, but I can see Iyan's figure crouching down to my level.

He should just leave with Auriana. I'm a lost cause. I'm too terrified to move an inch from this spot.

He surprises me by cradling my head in his arms and holding me close so I can hear the faint beating of his heart. His muscles are tense at the contact, and I can tell that he's probably uncomfortable with this intimate gesture, and my heart manages to flutter even at this moment knowing that he's doing this to comfort me in some way.

And suddenly, it's like everything stops moving. I can no longer hear the deafening sounds that resonate in my ears, and neither can I see the gore and filth that encompasses around me.

All I can hear is the tiny thumps his heart makes, causing mine to ripple in response.

His velvety voice eases into my ears like a gentle breeze.

"You have so little faith in me, Vakshir. Didn't I tell you to trust me?" His words are soothing, and his warm caress on my face causes my cheeks to tingle.

I know I shouldn't be depending on him so much. I know I promised not to let my guard down around him, but what can I do when every part of me is aching to let him in completely.

I nod my head stiffly against his chest before, with one last gentle brush of my cheeks, he looses his arms around me, rising to his feet with his hands outstretched for me to take.

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