Chapter 21

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Mia's POV

It was him..why didn't I be more careful?

"Raj..please let me go" I struggle to say

"Oh, I won't. It's been so long since you left me. I am going to take you with me and you have no idea what I have for you"

This is the first time I am thinking about Derek since I left him. I wish he was here. He is just what Raj is but at least he never dares to hurt me.


My phone pinged alerting me to a new message. I tried to grab my phone from my bag but he snatched it from me.


"Seems like your boyfriend's worrying"

It's Derek!

I feel so relieved but can't seem to contact him back.

"You're mine" he hissed and put my phone in his back pocket and dragged me to his car. I struggle to get out of his grasp but he hit me with his gun on my head and I fell unconscious.

Derek's POV

Why she isn't returning my messages?
She sure is in trouble.

I order Jimmy to look for her while I'll go to the university in search of her.

I couldn't able to find her instead I found her friends. I sprint towards them they're in the coffee shop. They looked at me like they want to kill me.

"Where is she?" One of the girls asked

"She's not with me, I came here to ask you the same"

"What do you mean she's not with you? You were the one she was hiding here from"


I start to walk away but one of the girl stop me.

"BTW we heard gunshots here like an hour ago. Do you have any idea what was that?"

Gunshots? Fuck she's in danger.

I better go now.

Mia's POV

After what seems like a decade I woke up and find myself in a room which isn't mine. Shit!

I try to escape but to my bad luck the door was locked and the windows were too. I scream so loud in hopes someone might hear me.

I heard the door unlock and I prepare myself to attack whoever is. The door opens slowly and a figure came into view.

"Love, you are wasting your breath trying to escape. No one will come for you here. This is my place"

"Get away from me"

He laughs and lets out my phone from his pocket and aims towards me.

"Tell your boyfriend to bugger off"

I caught my phone and start dialing his number. He picked up on the first ring.

"Sunshine, where are you?"

"I am trapped"

"I am coming for you"

With that, he ends the call and I share my location with him.

"You just share your location, didn't you?" he asks

I simply back away from him and he makes his way towards me. He grabs me by my hair and comes closer to whisper in my ear.

"Good that he's coming, now he'll die right in front of you"

"He won't, and the only person who will die is you when he gets here" I match his tone.

He smirks and pushes me against the bed and leaves me alone.

His Wrath (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now