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Imani felt the cotton candy get stuck between her fingers. Laughter and screaming in her ears with the aroma of buttered popcorn in her nose.

Another missed call was sent to her phone. She had been here at the park for almost three hours. The young girl had called her mother more times than she could remember.

All calls missed.

Imani worried relentlessly about her mother. She tried to speak to her earlier that day, only to be met with a locked door. Imani called again, only to hear that her phone was now powered off.

Imani cursed, putting her phone on the table in front of her. The sugar rush was making her nauseous as she took a breather at an empty table. "Guess you've had your full of fun?"

Ivan made the decision to grab some of the unnecessarily expensive bottles of water, despite her assurance that she'd be fine. She had ended up seeing him as much as she tried not to. She nodded, taking the water bottle and sipping some water. "Thanks..I just..it's a lot right now."

Valis was getting married.

He was getting married to someone that wasn't her.

And had the nerve to tell her to be under that willow tree with him that night. He had the nerve to take claim of being her first. The nausea increased, eyes watering as she thought about the humiliation she will soon face.

Mom was right.

It wasn't until she saw a child munching on a hotdog that the sodas and popcorn finally came rushing to her throat. "You okay?" Ivan watched her tense up, hand on her throat as she blinked once and then a second time.

Imani calmly got up and sped walk to the nearest less packed bathroom. She barely made it inside before she was dry heaving in the air. The warm gust of air tickled her face, making her eyes water as she leaned against the brick wall of the abandoned bathroom.



Slowly, the young eighteen-year-old looked to her left, letting her heart skip a beat.

Valis Kholodov.

Standing just mere inches from her. Black hoodie, black jeans with black and white converse. Tan skin with dark brown eyes and black hair with a curtain bangs hairstyle. The aroma of herbs and woods spices coming from his clothes.

Yep. It's definitely him.

She looked at him.

He looked at her.

Why was he here? Why was he looking at her? He doesn't have that right to look at her. Not like that.

Imani looked away from the familiar person before her. Eyes watered as she remembered the recent news about him.

"Imani." He repeated, taking a short step.

"Why? Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with your bride?"

The twenty-year-old raised an eyebrow, lowering and relaxing his face when he realized what she meant. "You mean the marriage arrangement? How did you..how the hell did you find out?"

"Call it what you want. I don't care honestly."

The man nodded, processing her words before taking another step. "Why are you here, Imani?"

"Because it's an amusement park. I want to have fun with my friends-why do you care?"

"Because you're here, at this time of night, Imani. You're here with Ivan Giovanni." He took a bigger step, the height difference obvious as he looked down at his crush. Imani rasped her laugh, looking at the man before her.

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