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Imani was alone.

Alone on the compound. She sat under the willow tree. Fresh grass in her hands as she picked and picked around the headstone. She wanted her baby to see the skies with her.

Imani had learned recently from Valis that Theo and Hannah Marley no longer stayed in Sontarc. Part of her was happy for them, happy that they are alive. But sad to know she doesn't have anyone to lean on. Not truthfully as she was with them.

She felt Valis watching her from a distance.


The same man who had whisked her away only three days ago. Taking her away to the bedroom, doing such things she couldn't recall doing willingly.

Valis and Imani had sex that night.

It was beyond overwhelming for her.

She woke up the next morning wanting him to get away from her. Wanting him to give her more and more.

Valis made her feel so safe.

Underneath him.

On top of him.

The man took such vulnerability from her, used it so gently. It nearly made her sick thinking about it. Imani had avoided the man since then, only spending time with her baby's burial site. Looking over her shoulder, she looked at the distant short hill where Valis stood.

A man remained talking to him, another man besides him listening. But his eyes remained on her. She scooted further over, blocking his eyes from her with the willow tree bark blocking most of his view of her.

Another hour had passed, she sighed and finished her small prayer. Standing to her feet, she sees Valis standing a few feet away, waiting for her.

The man terrified her. She was terrified to know that he's probably taken so many lives. So many lives he swore to take, and he more than likely fulfilled it. It terrified her to see such relaxation and calm nerves in the man's face and body.

He was swift, taking his jacket off and placing it on her shoulders. Although it was the middle of the summer season, the July nights were cold in Russia. The small peck on her lips sent fire inside of her. "Dinner is ready."

She nodded, letting the man guide her to the compound which protects their home. More hours passed by in a blur, muted words in her head as she talked to Valis. His words only muffled as she tried to listen.

The hot water was burning her body, but it didn't feel hot enough. Turning slowly, she allowed her back to touch the water again. Steam covered every inch of the bathroom walls.

Imani was scared of Valis. All day, she felt as if she was with a stranger. Someone who treated her so well, who she let into her legs. Someone she intended on letting between them tonight, if she was being honest.

But she's terrified of the man she loves severely.

The young woman hit the shower knob, turning off the large faucets that poured hot water on her skin. The aroma of her favorite soap was long gone. Nothing but hot water on her skin as she sighed again.

The bathroom door opened. Naked, wet, and exhausted. Imani dried her hair and body. Valis entered the room not too long after. He was half clothed, ready for bed.

The bed dipped slightly, her breathing calm as she felt warm fingertips on her waist as his chest pressed against hers. "My brother came by today. We argued."

She sniffled, staying in place as his voice soothed her. "I told him I might know where our father is. Told him that I was going to kill him for what he's done. Nikolai said he's trying to understand the pain we're all facing. Especially you..but he doesn't agree with the man facing death."

Does Nikolai not know?

Did he not see her baby's grave?

Did the man not understand how much unnecessary death his father caused? All because he can't get his way in controlling his son?

"I told him to go to hell. He said I'd have him to deal with if I kill our father."

She rolled over slowly, words fading as she looked at him. Such exhaustion clouded them both. The silence was making her anxious. Imani realized he had stopped talking, eyes on hers as his thumb grazed her cheek.

"My beautiful woman. Such delicacy you show right now. Why are you crying, flower?"

Her sniffles made her angry. So damn frustrated and done with her tears. Done with the constant pain. The reminders of her past hitting her whenever she walked too fast, bent over too fast, sat down too hard. Everything in and around her body hurts.

The tightness in her chest made her breathe hard.

Couldn't even cry too much.

Imani sat up, the dim light given a friend as she turned on the light in the bathroom. Valis stood at the doorway, watching the woman rinse her face with shaking hands.

"No one knows." She whimpered softly. Barely giving herself a look in the mirror before walking away back to bed. Valis slowly got into it, holding her body as she cried as much as her body would let her. "No one knows the pain, Valis..the hollowing in my chest. So much pain. I feel it every single day. Every time I sit under the willow tree. Every time I go see our child."

The deep inhale was blocked by her sobs, his nod slow as he held her tighter. Noses touching as he inhaled with her.

Breathe baby.

Breathe with me.

"I'm reminded of one of the worst results from my kidnapping. The beatings, the stabbings, the tortures, the damn constant assaults.. I would've embraced it all. So happily, Valis. I would've come to terms that it happened to me. But that wasn't enough? It..it-it wasn't.."

Her sobs were halted, the long cry muted as she wailed softly. Valis kept his hold on her as he moved her coils from her face. "They had to take the baby..my first baby, and they took it from me. I felt the flutters, Valis. They were so soft, it reminded me of the butterflies. The butterflies I have with you, Valis."

Valis held Imani that night, her cries tearing through her body as the memories hit her left and right. She cried and cried, exhaustion embracing her as she fought the monsters that clawed at her heart.


Valis would never forget those flutters.

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