Part III - Sacrifice

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Lili wakes to find Vallon transformed back into his elder-self. The spell that would force him to age is fuelled by pain and grief.

Despite happiness in reuniting with Lili, his halfling self , Jack, prohibits Vallon from living happily.

Vallon explains to Lili that in returning to the past, Vallon's very existence has caused both him and Jack's soul to split, creating permanent disharmony for both to live in the same dimension.

Vallon's memories are, again, triggered by his love for Lili, forcing him to remember the torture she put him through in his dimension.

Vallon reveals scars on his body, confessing that it was Lili that inflicted them upon him in his world.

Lili promises that she will never hurt him like that... but, it is all too late.

Will Lili's future revisit and turn her again into the mistress of the night, Dark Lili...?

Will Jack ever forgive her so both he and Vallon may find peace...?

Part III

Back in the desert of Merryk, Oona runs after Jack, as he strides across the dark desert rock faces, stoked by anger and jealousy, despite his better judgement.

"Jack-! Stop... you don't know where you are going?" Oona pleads, as she pulls back onto his arm, forcing him to a standstill.

Jack turns away from her, breaking her hold, " The Oracle chose me! If they wish for me to seek their guidance, I will find them on my own. Let me go, Oona."

"Your fury will never keep a benevolent audience with them! They will kill you, Jack!" Oona warns, stopping Jack in his tracks. "Don't let Lili and Vallon get the best of you. I know it's confusing and it hurts, but you must remember you are here to help save Fantasia... the empress needs you to succeed. Please, Jack..." Oona walks to him, placing a soft hand upon his shoulder as she gently turns him toward her, "...You can do this, but don't let anger guide you."

Jack gazes at her, his tear stained face becomes calm as he locks eyes with her. His gaze holds tension, but is free of wrath, another emotion motivates him...

He moves in close to her, tenderly cupping Oona's face with both hands, " You've always loved me, yet I cast you aside... for her... for what?"

Jack leans in closer, kissing Oona on one cheek, then, raises his face up for his lips to graze over her forehead to meet the other side of her face, planting another tender kiss upon the other cheek...

"Jack, don't... you don't love me." Oona refuses, yet her resistance only inspires him to kiss her once more, this time upon her lips.

Oona pulls back, gazing deep into his eyes, desparate in want for his feelings for her to be real, "I can only offer you solace... it wouldn't be anything more, we both know that. This is not love, its revenge."

Jack nods, as he leans back from her, "I'm sorry Oona, I don't want to be cruel to you. You deserve a love I could never give you."

"I know." Oona laughs to herself,
" You're not cruel, Jack. Cruelty is intentional. You're just being selfish... hurt and selfish." Oona corrects, sitting down upon a boulder.

Jack sighs, kicking at stones in defeat, "You're right... Why do you love me, Oona? Even when I behave so stupid ... Why do you love me?"

"Same reason why you love her... I have no choice." Oona answers, gazing up towards the sky. "I often wonder what eternity will look like without you? If I will return to the stars, or be given another impossible love to watch over... that's a sprite's fate, you know? We have no choice who we are tethered to... our familiars. We have no choice but to love them. It's quite awful, actually."

Legend: Light after Darkness -Book IIIWhere stories live. Discover now