Part VI - Not for the faint-hearted

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After discovering a fault in the protection shield along the Valtorian-Floren border, King Roland attempts to warn and negotiate a counter-defense with Prince Balthazar against a pending goblin assault.

Balthazar appears unmoved and unchallenged by the potential war , instead he focuses on re-negotiating a treaty that would award him partial entitlement of the Valtorian forest.

Confused by Balthazar's cavalier attitude King Roland demands to speak with Balthazar's father, King of Floren, only to discover he has died the night before.

Meanwhile, as Gump prepares to dissolve and reset the protection shield he experiences a premonition, warning of Floren's downfall and Balthazar's surrender to Darkness...

Will Gump and Vallon reach the King before Darkness claims Floren..?

And, will Jack finally be ready to meet the Oracle's challenge?

Part VI

In a brilliant ball of light, Vallon teleports into the battallion room of the Floren castle.

"Vallon-!" King Roland calls, "Explain the danger that will befall Floren, Balthazar refuses to understand the urgency."

"Vallon-? You are not the fledgling heir King Roland speaks of..?" Balthazar hisses, his eyes now dark and unearthly, revealing the demonic thrall of Darkness possessing him.

Floren guards surround King Roland, swords drawn.

"Same parlour tricks, Darkness? Where is the real Balthazar? In a dungeon or chained up in a bell tower? Your originality is as weak as your grasp upon Valtoria." Vallon scowls, baiting Darkness to reveal his true form, but to no avail.

"You arrogant sprite, I'm right here... This is not glamour. Darkness and I, we are one." Balthazar replies, his voice no longer his own, as his body and soul is shared now with Darkness... "It will only be a matter of time when your Princess and the empress will join us."

"Floren has already fallen." King Roland gasps in fear.

"So quick, Roland." Balthazar mocks, " And, you sprite, I care not for you. You are not the halfling that would attempt to steal my throne. Where is he?" Balthazar's possessed body demands,

"So threatened, Darkness?" Vallon Jeers, taunting him.

"Don't act so self-assured, sprite. Only one halfling lives. Your one chance at stopping me, yet I am everywhere and can be anyone..." Balthazar points to King Roland, surrounded by guards awaiting order to strike,"...Tell me now, where the halfling is or the princess will be orphaned."

Before another word can be spoken, a bright light shakes the room into unrest as Oona appears beside King Roland, teleporting him out of the room and safely back to Fydelea.

Vallon laughs, mocking Darkness, "True, there is only one halfling left to defeat you, but you forget there are now two sprites. Til' we meet again."

Furious, Balthazar's manipulated body charges toward Vallon, sword drawn, only to be thwarted as Vallon evaporates into another brilliant ball of white light and escapes, unscathed, back to Fydelea castle.

Meanwhile, back in Fydelea...

Gumps kneels upon the sentinel lookout, evoking a green ball of light. Standing beside him are Oona and King Roland awaiting Vallon's return.

Before another moment passes, Vallon appears in a flash of light. inspired by urgency, he commands, "Gump, now-!"

Upon Vallon's order, Gump clasps his hands together, the force causes the green ball of light to expand in all directions, blanketing over every tree, meadow and kingdom that shares the boundaries with the Valtorian Forest. In a split second, the
shield is lifted long enough for another blue ball of light to form between Gumps hands.

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