₊˚⊹♡𓇦Stolen kisses and hidden in Haystacks𓃗˚⊹♡

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Most believe a royals life is filled with happiness and love. This being mostly due to their wealth—which the village people believe can buy happiness... pathetic—and the happy mask royal family put on for their kingdom.

If they saw what the Malfoys were really like, it probably would change their whole perspective of the 'perfect Malfoy family'

"Draco." A deep voice boomed through the empty hall. "Where do you think your going?" Lucius Malfoy stood tall and elegantly in his fancy robes, Narcissa a few steps behind him in a beautiful gown.

"I was just gonna go down to the village.. father." Draco spoke as clear as he could, one rule not to break, Malfoy's don't mutter or mumble...

His fathers scowl was telling enough that he wasn't going to be able to see his friends. And if that weren't enough, the rough grip of his fathers hand on his shoulder and leading Draco to follow him.

"Your mother insisted you own your own horse. I agreed only because, for when you need to travel to your future wife's kingdom." Lucius seemed displeased, most certainly at the thought of Draco getting even a taste of freedom. But he could just tell, first chance there's an arranged marriage... his father would take it.

The younger Malfoy didn't respond, just nodded, trying to hide his excitement.

He followed his father through the town, receiving longing gazes from those in town. Love sick teenagers that want a chance with the prince.

They neared the small looking stable, one that could clearly only house up to 6 horses. Lucious seemed to just scowl at the building,—not that the look ever disappeared from earlier— He sighed shaking his head and walking into the stable, Draco in toe.

"Hello? Who owns this...establishment."

When they finally got a full view there was a raven haired boy with a elegant looking horse. It was tall and slim, it's white fur dappled with grey and a long grey mane. It was freshly brushed and with tack out, it was clear this boy was about to go out for a ride.

"Uh." The boy looked over to the two royals sat at the door, his bright green eyes snapped wide, almost comically so. "I'm so sorry!" He yelled, flailing and dropping the brush as he bowed, the horse startling a bit.

"Stand." Lucius drawled, looking absolutely uninterested. "My son will take this one. It's perfectly fit for a prince." The king motioned for the horse, walking towards it to try to grab the halter, but the horse snuffed an angry sound, backing up as much as it could.

"Um.. your majesty.. I apologize but she isn't for sale." The boy mumbled, picking up the brush and grabbing the horses halter to calm the horse.

"Everything has a price dear boy." The king grabbed a pouch of gold coins, dangling it in front of the boy.

"No sir.. I'm sorry. She was a gift from my mother before she passed. I wouldn't sell her for anything. The boy led the horse into one of the stalls. "I can show you the other steeds. I'm sure one will be to your liking!" There was a smile on his face—one that for some reason, Draco didn't not want to see leave the boys face—as he was walked up to another stall, leading out a well built horse.

"This is Shady Belle. She does well with pulling carts or being ridden, perfect really for a princes duties." His head was tilted with a wide smile, but it dropped when he notice the glare on Draco's fathers face. The king shook his head, and the boy just quickly backed the horse back into the stall.

"umm.." He looked around, "Ares?" The boy seemed to be speaking to himself, he walked to a stallions stall, leading out a tall Friesian horse. "He's got a bit of a temper..." The horse was pawing at the ground huffing and shaking its head. "But Friesian horses are the definition of elegant and beauty!" The boy giggled patting the horse which seemed to calm him.

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