⭑ ๋࣭ ๋ᰔA New Beginning𓅓 ๋࣭ ๋⭑

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A Gryffindor and Slytherin glaring at eachother from across the great hall. Just like every other year before.

Both friend groups teasing their friend.

But this year it was a bit different, Harry was sure he wasn't up to anything bad. It was more so due to the blond Slytherins weird actions so far in their last year.

"Harry... He just said 'Good morning'.." Hermione giggled as Harry continued to squint his eyes at Malfoy.

"Malfoy doesn't just say 'Good morning' to me!" Harry glanced to Hermione still feeling the stare from across the room. "Malfoy pushes and sneers at me. And always throws in some kind of insult!"

"So what mate? are you gonna say that's not Malfoy then?" Ron smirked, even if he was also suspicious, he couldn't give up teasing his friend.

"Of course not. There's no glamour and no smell of polyjuice." Harry remembered his time with Crouch Jr. when he acted as if he was Moody. "That is Malfoy. Hes just.. not acting like it." Harry crossed his arms with a pout.

"If I didn't know any better, your upset that he isn't acting the same.. Do you miss having your little rows with Malfoy, Harry?~" Ron spoke in a singsong voice, making Hermione laugh.

"Get off it." Harry rolled his eyes as he scoffed, turning around.

"He's joking Harry!" Hermione continued to giggle, trying to get him to turn back to them.

"I hate you both." Harry pouted, glancing at Malfoy again who was just smirking at them.

"Potter." Malfoy called as Harry passed him walking into potions. "Stay after class"

Harry's eyes widened, staring at Malfoy like he'd just snogged him.


"Harry, Mate you coming?" Ron noticed Harry had stopped and was staring at Malfoy with a gaped jaw.

"Yeah.. Mhm!" Harry shook his head, running to Ron. Throwing one more confused look back to the blond Slytherin.

Harry was sat in his seat packing his bags as Hermione and Ron stood at the door. "Hurry up! we're gonna be late!" The brunette yelled, Harry looked to Malfoy who just nodded.

"Just go ahead. I'll uh- catch up." Hermione looked at Harry, not believing him one bit. Then she saw Malfoy who was still sat at his desk. She shook her head but dragged Ron out.

"So.. Uh." Harry walked up to Malfoy unsure how he was supposed to talk to him.

"Stay." Malfoy walked past him to Severus' old office, the new potions professor didn't use it. Harry was utterly confused why he listened to Malfoy at all but he didn't move at all. Hadn't even turned around.

Moments later, Malfoy was walking back up to where Harry stood at his desk.

"Don't think I care about you or your friends after this." He sneered as the familiar sound of metal hit the desk behind him. "Mother was with me when I found this. She refused to let me leave it." she spoke as if it were such a pain but his usual sneer wasn't heard.

Harry turned to see a snowy owl in a cage, it looked familiar—obviously looking like.. Hedwig.. But that was impossible.. right?—

"Malfoy... I really appreciate your- uh... your mothers kindness?" Harry questioned, still somewhat confused. "But I really don't want another owl." Harry shook his head, smiling but stepping away from the bird.

"What." Malfoy looked up with squinted eyes. "You really are dense Potter." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Malfoy.." Harry warned, not wanting to fight.

"That's your bloody owl." Malfoy gestured quickly with his arm, startling the bird and making it screech at him.

"That's not possible! She was killed by the killing curse." Harry shook his head again.

"You loved the bird a weird amount." Malfoy sniggered, "Same way your mother loved you or whatever. I dunno. Mother said you created some counter curse like your mum had." Malfoy rambled, acting way out of character.

He reached and opened the cage, immediately the white owl flew to Harry nuzzling his cheek.


"That's your owl." Malfoy repeated.

Harry gasped, lifting the owl onto his hand and petting her.

"Thank you Malfoy! really... Thank you." Harry was about to jump up and hug Malfoy, but he quickly backed off.

Harry was overjoyed to be reunited with his beloved owl Hedwig. As he pet her soft feathers, his eyes welled up with tears of relief and gratitude.

"Thank you for returning her to me, Malfoy. I can't believe she's alive," Harry said earnestly.

Malfoy shrugged, feigning nonchalance to hide how pleased he was to have restored Harry's faith in humankind. "Don't make a big deal of it, Potter. I was just tidying up the manor and happened to find the mangy bird."

Though his words were callous, his tone lacked its usual bite. Harry sensed Malfoy's kindness beneath the prickly exterior. In that moment, Harry saw Malfoy not as his long-time nemesis, but as a fellow soul seeking redemption in the aftermath of war.

A comfortable silence fell as Harry bonded with Hedwig, lost in joyful reunion. Malfoy watched from a distance, softening at the sight. At last, Malfoy broke the quiet. "Well, don't let her distract you from class forever, Potter."

Harry looked up with a smile. "Walk with me to Transfiguration?"

Malfoy hesitated, then nodded. As they strode through the halls side by side, no longer enemies but uncertain friends, Harry felt the first blossoms of new hope taking root. Their relationship had changed, for better or worse, and the future remained unwritten. But for now, in this fleeting moment of connection, all was well.

As Harry and Malfoy walked to Transfiguration together, an unfamiliar lightness settled between them. With Hedwig perched proudly on Harry's shoulder, they chatted amiably about her recovery.

Malfoy explained how his mother had nursed Hedwig back to health after finding her injured in the street near the manor. Hearing his normally caustic rival speak so gently of Mrs. Malfoy caught Harry pleasantly by surprise. Perhaps there was more kindness in Draco than Harry had realized.

Before long they reached the classroom, lingering in the doorway as students filed inside. "Thank you again for returning Hedwig. She means the world to me," Harry said sincerely, meeting Draco's gaze. Instinctively, he reached out to give Draco's arm a gentle squeeze.

Draco's breath hitched at the unexpected gesture of affection. Pink dusted his pale cheeks. "Well, don't go getting sentimental on me, Potter," he said gruffly, though his smile betrayed his softened demeanor.

Harry's grin widened, heart lifting to see Draco's guard falling away. On a whim, he leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to Draco's cheek. "See you after class, Malfoy," he said roguishly before bounding into the room, leaving one stunned Slytherin blushing in the hall.

Rumors of their civilian conduct outside class kindled among students like wildfire that day. But for once, Harry didn't mind the gossip. Gone were the days of bitter rivalry—in Draco, Harry sensed the promise of something sweeter.

Only time would tell where this new beginning might lead...

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