⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆Hogwarts Professors⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆

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Finally, Harry was able to pursue the job he wanted to. Although people are wanted him to work in the ministry, become an auror. That wasn't what he saw himself doing. He had enough of hunting down some mad man for a life time, that of which happened only in his time at Hogwarts.

So, when the 1st of September was nearing, Harry was back at the familiar train station. Having to say goodbye to his bestfriends, and of course his fiancé, for the semester.

"See you as soon as the semester ends Gin" He moved to kiss her only for Ginny to move so he kissed her cheek. She had a bright red covering her cheeks, so Harry assumed she must have been embarrassed to show affection in public.

"Bye Harry." She offered a small smile, backing away from him as the train horn blows.

"Have a great school year Harry! You'll be an amazing professor" Harry laughed at Hermiones excitement, giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you 'Mione. And you.. are amazing at whatever you do. So amazing that you just can't tell us!" Harry acted dramatically offended, he turned to Ron who was laughing himself.

"See ya mate" They gave eachother a side hug.

The train horn blew again, calling for those who were late and not yet on the train.

"I gotta get going. Don't want to make Mcgonagall made already!" He started to run towards the train stumbling over his feet.

Hermione and Ron laughed at their friends clumsy behaviour, "For a man who beat the dark lord, He sure is awkward." Hermione spoke, voice filled with a fond adoration.

"Yeah but her our awkward little hero." Ron laughed as he kissed Hermione on the cheek, noticing that Ginny had already left. "Did Gin tell you where she left in such a hurry?"

Hermione looked to where Ginny once was and frowned, looking to Ron and shaking her head.

Harry took a deep breath as he approached the grand doors leading into Hogwarts. It had been 10 years since he had last walked these halls as a student, but now he was back as a professor. Harry had been hired as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, while his old classmate Draco Malfoy had returned as the new Potions Master.

As Harry entered the great hall, he saw Draco sitting at the head table chatting with some of the other professors. Draco looked up and his eyes met Harry's. To Harry's surprise, Draco gave him a slight smile and nod in acknowledgement. After everything they had been through, perhaps time had softened their rivalry.

Harry went to visit the new headmistress in her office right after the end of the feast.

 "Mr. Potter! So glad you decided to take the DADA position!" Mcgonagall, the head mistress of Hogwarts, greeted Harry with a hand on the shoulder.

"Of course. Defense was my favourite subject." Harry smiled sadly as he remembered his classes with Remus.

"Yes. Well we should all be glad you didn't apply to potions." The headmistress laughed as she looked at her old student pouting like he were 5. "As every teacher has, you will have a chamber next to your classroom. You are welcome to decorate it as you please. I know you weren't able to change your dorms." She smiled. "But the floo system will be in the teachers dorm. That is also where a small kitchen will be."

"I quite liked the dorms." He mumbled, "They were cozy."

"Indeed they were."

The two sat in the headmistress' office catching up with some tea and biscuits when they were interrupted.

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