Oc info

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Name: Shad Overlord (he never tells his last name)

Species: Oni (always in his human form)

Hair color: Black

Eyes color: Red/Purple (Purple when he gets mad)

Clothes: purple sweater, grey pants and the normal purple ninja GI.

Personality: sarcastic, confident, dramatic, lazy, jealous.

Element power: Darkness (Inherited from his father obviously :v)

Powers and Abilities:

Inherited powers and abilities from his father:

Regeneration: Shad can heal or become active again after it has been damaged or inactive.

Darkness Materialization: Can give life to inanimate statues.

Crystal Creation: Like his father, Shad can create his own infectious crystals.

Crystallization: Shad can use his powers to crystallize terrain, people, and objects.

Fact: Wu completely prohibited Shad from using those powers that have to do with crystals...

Shad's own elemental powers:

Element powers:

Solid Darkness- The ability to solidify his power over darkness. Solid Darkness is freezing to the touch with a serrated surface. Can be forged into weapons but requires a core to help hold its shape.

Elemental Dragon- Like all elemental masters, Shad can summon a dragon.

Absolute Darkness- The release of a ball of darkness into the air, which will expand and cover anything in its way with a thin layer of dark crystals. Only a master of darkness can navigate the dark depths.

Echolocation- Usually done by clicking his tongue or by snapping his fingers,
Shad can pick up on the sound waves returning to him. Useful for when blinded by light.

Night Vision- Allows Shad to see better at night, resulting in him being more active during that time.

Shadow Summoning-  Pull shadows from already existing sources. They change and shape them into whatever they think. Must remain connected to the original source.

Dark Elemental Infusion- Empower and energize anything touched or used (usually a weapon) with respective dark elements.

Acidic Darkness- An alternative to solid darkness; anything touching the affected darkness disintegrates like it would in acid. A result of the combination of light and darkness.

Dark Elemental Breath- Discharge dark element from the mouth.

Dark Elemental Wave Emission- Send out a wave of respective dark element that repels everything.

Primal Power:

Darkness Mimicry- The ability to transform into darkness itself. The surrounding area turns to pure darkness that only the user can see. Shad calls it the World of Darkness and he is incapable of attacking while this power is active.

Empathy- Able to sense the emotions of others, usually through one's aura. Other elemental masters are easier to read as their element strengthens their aura.

Cold Immunity- Shad is completely immune to the cold and cannot be afflicted with frostbite. (Also because Onis have thick skin)

Illusions- Shad is capable of using the darkness to make himself, objects, and other people appear as something else.(Kinda like Macaque)

Pocket Realm Creation- By casting absolute darkness and channeling primal dark energy, Shad can create a small pocket realm to hide in or even store objects in.

Oni abilities:

Absolute Stamina: Shad possesses limitless physical energy, stamina and vitality, is essentially untiring and can keep working, fighting, mowing, etc.

Shapeshifting - Shad can change their form to any being, and even animals of completely different sizes.

Super Agility - Capable of jumping great distances without hurting themselves, and can easily climb and scale the side of buildings.

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