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After treating yuaan's wound and giving him medicine she came back to her room. Then  went towards her washroom and took a shower and came back after changing clothes she dropped on her soft fluffy bed and sleep engulfed her.

In the morning Serra woke up due to her alarm she shut it down and decided to sleep more but then realization hit her. She quickly sat up on her bed.

Everything that happened yesterday night came in her mind and she gasped loudly. Realization hit her and she is thinking how can she let a stranger bring at her house and let him stay at her house. She knows he is Yuaan but she doesn't know him she only know his name.

She doesn't know anything about his personality or how he is? She is really scared now what will he do to her? Everyone in college says is very scary person. She started to calm herself down

"He don't do anything to you serra you helped him he cannot hurt you relax just relax... But how can you be so fool ahhh... " She groaned and mess her hair. She decided to check on him.

She stand up and move towards her bedroom door she opened the door and peaked through that she can't able to see anything. She decided to go and check.

She came out from her room and started taking small steps to her couch. She is very nervous when she reached towards the couch what she watched that shocked her... The couch was empty no one was there.

She was confused where did he go she started checking every corner of her house but no one was there. She started thinking where did he go. Then she saw note was stick to her coffe table she picked up and read it.

"I am going.. Don't tell anything about this to anyone especially in university if I get to know that you tell any one person the consequences were not good".

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


After reading the note i am very angry I mean how can he...

I helped him from dieing on the road I brought him home treated him let him stay at my place and and insted of saying thankyou he is saying consequences won't be good. 

I realized one thing today there is no place for humanity in this world...

Then another realization hit me and I went towards my washing machine his shirt was there that means he took my bhaiyu's t shirt 'yuaan aggarwal I told him return me my shirt how can he that t shirt I specially customized for my bhaiyu now what I am going to do'

"Yuaan agarwal you just pray that even by mistake you don't come in front of me otherwise even I don't know what I am going to do.. ".

I calmed myself down and started getting ready for my university.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


In the morning when  I opened my eyes I found myself at unfamiliar place I was trying to get up but my whole was in alot of pain. I realized that I am at that serra girl's house. I stand up from the couch and and decided that I need to go from here.

I was making my way when to the door when  I saw a sticky notes and a pen was on the table. I don't want anyone to know anything about this whole thing and I don't believe this girl that she don't tell anyone. I took the pen and started writing.

After writing the note I kept that on the table and excited her house. I took a cab and reached to my place. My body is in alot of pain I can't even able to move after reaching my floor the elevator opened any my guards came towards me to help with the help of them I went inside my penthouse.

Sidhart and Ekansh was there when they saw me they were shocked they directly came towards me and helped me sitting down on the couch. After settling they gave me water and I drank it.

They were looking so worried Ekansh asked me "yuaan what the hell is this where were you whole night me and sidhart were looking for you everywhere like idiots and there was no news of you do you know how worried we are you even leave your phone in the car how can we able to reach you? " He was very angry and worried that he was almost shouting I chuckled seeing him and said "guys I am alive see.. ".

Sidhart pinned me with a glare and said
" It's not time for you fucking joke yuaan we are serious here there was no news of you whole night and you came in the morning with all these bruises.... What the hell happen last night and why your phone was not with you you always tell us to take care but what about you why you don't do that".

"Guys relaxed see I am fine yes I have a lots of pain in my body but I will be fine in few days don't worry I will tell you everything".i said and then tell them everything that happed last night even about how I end up at strange girls place and how she helped me.

After listening me Ekansh standup and said " I am not gonna leave that fucking piece of shit.. How can he attack on you just let me find him once and believe me I am gonna find him and two days".

"If I know that after seeing me like this you will get this much motivation than I had done this a long time ago" I said with amused face.

Sidhart said" But yuaan are you sure that, that serra girl won't tell anyone in the university ". I replied" I wrned her let's see what happens ".

Ekansh said " Wait a minute serra as in Serra Mehta of 3rd year". I nodded "do you know her ". " Asked me who doesn't know her she was known for her grades and best behavior her sry pieces are masterpiece she is everyone favorite and believe me sidhart when I say she is beautiful as in so beautiful. And I think she doesn't say anything cause she doesn't like gossiping she has only two friends with whom she spends her time she doesn't go around gossiping about someone" Ekansh said.

"Okay guys I am gonna get fresh and call the doctor I need a check up" I said and made my way towards my room.

After taking shower I came out and my gaze went to the that t shirt which serra gave me a thought of her crosses my mind what is she doing now? But I just dropped it.

I went to my room and doctor started checking my wounds. After checking them he said " The wounds are perfectly fine whoever does the first did a good job I saves him from getting infacted and blood loss. Still his body need rest and proper care I prescribing some medicines took them I came again tomorrow for the first aid". He gave prescription to harry and leaves the room.

Harry came beside me and started crying
"Not now harry I want to sleep" I said.
"Boss how can you do this you should take me with you how many times should I tell you what if something has happed to you what about me?? " He said. " I am fine harry nothing happened to me go and get the medicines " I said being annoyed. "Ok it's the last time I am forgiving from the next time I won't forgive you" He said wiping his tears and going out of my room.

"As if I need your forgiveness huh.... " I said and closed my eyes.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


I was sitting at my couch doing my work when I got a call I checked the id and it was bhaiyu I picked up the call said "hi bhaiyu missing me?". He chuckled and said " Serra yes I missed you daada.. ".
" Bhaiyu don't tell me you did it you cracked the deal right?"I asked being shocked. "Yes.. " He replied. I started shouting "I know it.. I know it.. I know it that my bhaiyu will do it I alm so proud of you I love you so much did you tell mumma papa? ". " No decided to give this news to you first how did you know that I will get it"  He said. "Obviously I know bhaiyu you were working on this from last two months I know how serious you were about this deal and I also know that what my bhaiyu want he gets" I replied.

He started laughing and said " Thank you daada for believing in me I love you so much meet me soon we gonna celebrate this" "Yes I love you too and I am so proud of you now go tell this to mumma and papa I will call you later byeee... " I said. He said "ok bye take care and call me if you face any prblm byee.. ".

After cutting the call lay down on the couch I am very happy today.


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