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it's been a week to that incident. Where yuaan called and told me to keep his secret to myself.

Honestly speaking I don't want to tell anyone. I just want to be away from him.

Keeping his words he didn't try to interact with me but we held a eye contact here and there. It feels like everytime we are in same space he just keep staring at me. And when I look towrds him he just move his face away.

I was thinking all this when I got a text from my friends saying they are outside. I pick my bag and make my way outside.


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We reached college Ahaana and aryan had a different class from me they go towards their class. And I started moving towards my class I ams searching for my phone in my bag when I bumped into something or you can say someone.

I was about to fall when a pair of arms circled around my waist and held tightly keep me from falling to the ground.

I started apologizing to that person. " I am so sorry I was not... " But when my gaze meet with the same black one I was shocked.

I gasp so loudly that my phone fell on the ground from my hand. That person was none other than Yuaan he his helding me from my waist. His arms were resting on both sides of my waist and keep staring at me.

Goosebumps erupts on my skin due to his touch. Although his hands are not directly touching my waist they were on the fabric of my dress but his touch doing something to me I was getting a weird feeling in my stomach.

I get into my senses and realize our position. And jerked back from his body.

I suddenly started feeling nervous and due to nervousness my hands started trembling.

I looked towards the ground and said " Sorry I wasn't looking. " And started moving towards my class.

When called me from behind " Miss Mehta" He said. I got frozen on my place and didn't dare to turn around.

I was just standing on my place when I started hearing footsteps. He is coming towards me. My heart started beating fastly.

He came stand behind me he bend from my right side and looked towards me.

I looked at him and he said " Aapka phone" He was so close to my body that I can feel his hot breath on my neck as he was a close to my face.

My phone was in his hand. When he noticed I didn't make any move he shake my phone in front of my face and said " Hello princess are you there or there is someone else who carry your phone".

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