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It's already been a week they all started to work as a group and they are doing well and serra was also started feeling comfortable among them.

Everyone was happy with their own projects but there was someone who gets all jealous whenever she saw serra and her group.

And it was maya. She doesn't like how serra ended up in the same group as yuaan and his friends she wants to be there on her place. She did everything so that she can be in their group but can't able to.

That's why she doesn't leave a single chamce to be with the boys and she and her friends doesn't leave a chance to bully serra although they never succeed because always sid Or ekansh came between them.

Serra was at her home when her phone starts ringing. She picked up that was her brother call.

"Hi Bhaiyu yaad aagyi meri" She teased her brother. "Meine call toh kiya tu toh woh bhi nhi karti" Her brother replied.
( hi bhaiyu you finally remembered me. I was the one who called otherwise you don't even call me. )

"Sorry i was busy for the exhibition you know what professor told me that my topic is going to be the main topic for the exhibition can you believe that i mean how can they leave this big decision on me on the other hand my group members make me leader also" She complained to her brother.

"Whoa whoa calm down little princess your professor know how much talented you are that's why they give you this task and it's also a very big opportunity for you don't you think? " Raghav said.

She nodded her head and replied with hmm "well leave this tell me how are you? Are you taking care of yourself? Taking meals on times? " Raghav asked.

"Yes I am taking care of myself and eating alots of food. How are you mumma and papa" She asked.

"They are good. Papa atleast 10 times says in a day that how much he miss you. And mumma and me both reply that we also miss you" Raghav said.

Serra smiled and said "I also miss all of you bhaiyu I can't come can you pls come to meet me I really really misses you a lot"

"Okay I will try to come and meet you as soon as possible. Now take care I have a meeting to attend to and also call papa he is missing his princess" Raghav replied.

"Yess I will see you take care" Serra replied. "Dadda love you baccha you know na koi bhi problem ho call me" Raghav said to Serra.
(Dadda love you kiddo yon know na if you have any problem just call me)

Serra smiled and said "love you too bhaiyu yes I will call you now go otherwise you will get late for then you blame me ki mere wajah se late ho gye".
(... Blame me that you got late because of me)



Currently i am working with the guys for our project but my mind was somewhere else its been a week and still we can't able to catch that bastard who was spying on us. And i am hella frustrated right now because of that i can't able to focus on the project.

I was trying to focus when someone called my name "yuaan" I turned around to see serra was standing fidgeting with her fingers.

I got still I think it's the first time she called my name and it's sound pure heavenly. I think I am going to addict with my own name only if she calls me.

I bring out of my thoughts when she calls me again now she is looking at me.

"Actually I wanted to ask if you can accompany me to the store room we need to bring few thing I can't able to get them alone and no one is free" She asked while looking here and there.

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