Who gave you that?

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  Dedicated to ALEXTOLONLEY

The sofa cushion  holds your slouched body as time passes slowly. You hated waiting for Micheal to come home and it's a little embarrassing for you to have to wait at all. You always feel a tad bit lonely without him seeing as he's your confidant and best friend and lover in one. The house has an abundant amount of things to do but it takes two to tango. Ping pong, pool and even swimming just isn't fun by yourself.

  The water isn't all that special without Micheals sexy body in it anyway. You release a small sigh  before your hand searches for your pocket retrieving your phone. Nothing new to see. Same old same old on instagram. No notifications from anyone important per usual. But Twitter- Twitter has something that catches your eye. There is a couple promoting their youtube channel by posting a small clip from a "Hickey Prank Challenge"
  Your eyes light up as soon as you see it, not because that shit is anywhere near watchable or interesting but BECAUSSEEEE...

"I'M GOING TO DO THIS ON MICHEAL!!" The idea  erupts from your lips with so much excitement.
Your body lifts from the couch as you giddily run through the house until you make your way to the bathroom
searching for your makeup bag. Once your eyes land on it the plan is followed from there!
You go for the right amount of purple and red and also a little bit of concealer until it's the perfect color to match your skin tone. It comes out PERFECTLY. A nice purple wring with a somewhat dark sultry red to it! Your tongue ejects out of your mouth sneakily as you celebrate your good work with a few winded hip rotations as you begin to twerk.
"Front Door Open" the automated voice system speaks signifying that Micheal is home. "Shit" you say beneath your breath while scurrying to put all of your things away. "VANESSAAA!" He calls out for you with a happiness in his tone. Too bad you're going to strip that away soon. You begin to run toward the front door to see him standing there with open arms and a smile. Your feet leave the ground as he lifts you slightly making you blush even harder. He sits down carefully on the same sofa you waited for him on earlier. Micheals hands meet your hips as he gently guides you to sit on his thigh. "All of this couch place and you think I want to sit on you?" You state with a spicy attitude.
Micheal knows that it's all love. "Yeah baby, didn't you know.. I'm the best seat in the house" his leg lifts at an angle and falls back down again making your body follow its movement. Micheal always knows just how to handle you. Whether you're sad, angry, or feisty he is well rounded enough to handle anything you throw his way. Your eyes get lost in his smile. "Mm.. I prefer a seat that doesn't move, please and thanks" As soon as you try to rise to place yourself on the actual couch cushion his hands hold your hips again. "I just got here and I want to talk to my baby. How was your day?" You're smiling so hard you could form new dimples. "Well I made myself something to eat that I really liked and-"
As you lose yourself telling him small parts of your day his eyes become unwavering. You have his undivided attention every time you speak but.. I don't think the man is blinking.
"Ohh okay.. yeah you have to cook that dish for me sometimes since you liked it so much" he replies with his eyes still digging into you. You don't even notice. "So tell me princess, what else did you do today?" His leg lifts one more time except this time when his leg meets the ground you nearly fall. "Uhh" you're at a loss for words. His lips begin to hover toward your face. Butterflies swarm through your stomach as his lips begin to press against you gently, over and over until he is at your neck. Your thumbs entertain themselves as you sit there allowing your man to fluster you. "I asked you a question" he whispers in your ear while continuing. I guess you used all of your spice too early because you're speechless. Normally he couldn't get away with talking to you like that without some form of rebuttal but it feels too good for you to care. "Uhh" you repeat still trying to think but your eyes are beginning to close. "Okay" he states before you hear a small chuckle. "I'll ask my question better.. what's this?" His thumb reaches the side of your neck that facing away from him landing right on your "hicky"
"Huh?" You respond with your eyes still shut. The warmth of his face leaves your neck and when you open your eyes you see his blank reaction. "So who gave you that Vanessa?" The seriousness in his tone nearly scares you. But you know its a prank.
"I don't know what you're talking about Micheal..." you lie. "To make one of these.." his thumb runs over the "bruised" area before his mouth returns to your neck. The buds of his tongue run over your warm skin sending chills down your spine. His mouth opens before collecting some of your skin in his mouth and sucking on it roughly as if you were his prey that was born to be eaten. You try to pull away as the suction becomes a little unbearable but he holds your neck in place. "Micheal stop! It's just a prank!" He pulls away reluctantly before looking at you and then back at the prank. His eyes glances back and forth at the mark he just gave you vs the phony one. "Hmph, better be" he states calmly but still having that heir of dominance. What you didn't know is the prank already started to smear from the run through the house over to him mixed in with all of the tension he was creating. Sweaty times, sweaty summer! His palm crashes down creating a loud *Smack* on your exposed thighs. "You're too sweet for that anyway. " he smiles and blushes just like he was before as if nothing happened. "But if you want a real hickey just ask for it. Pull another prank again and I'll make sure to leave so many marks that there won't be room for anyone or anything else" he threatens as if it would be a true punishment to feel his mouth again on your sensitive neck. "But come on, let's go get something to eat because I know you didn't cook today. You probably just ate snacks "


I truly hope you enjoyed!
I know this probably isn't what you expected but surprises can be good! Thank you for requesting a smut free story because it gave me an opportunity to think a little bit outside of lust while still adding some ✨spice✨

Got a request? Pm me or dm me


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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