pillow talk

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You yawn as you wake up to see Micheal next to you.

He looks over and smiles at you.

"Hey beautiful" he says while gently slapping your forehead.

You roll your eyes and shake your head, you can't help but smile.

"Hey" you say while laughing a little.

"How did the movie shoot go?" You ask in a genuinely caring tone.

He lets out a sigh, "I think this movie is really going to be a hit, babe."

"I'm sure of it, I believe you."

He leans over and grabs you by your jaw and starts kissing you.

"You know I love you, right?"

You start laughing "yes, I know you love me, and I love you."

You place your head on his chest as he whispers sweet nothing's into your ear.

You take a deep breath and fall asleep.

You wake up on your lonesome with Micheal nowhere to be found.

You get dressed and go to the kitchen to see a huge bouquet of roses and a huge fruit basket and a full course meal laid out on the table.

You start digging in the fruit basket.

You can feel a piece of paper and you pull it out.

"To my special girl," the words read with a picture of you and Micheal  on the card.

You smile as you shake your head.

{ I'm fucking sorry okay, truly, I don't even know what the hell was going on. Every time I tried to edit this book it was saying i didn't have any "works" wattpad + a really shitty phone doesn't work to well lol. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this}

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